How to Correct Blur in Photos
- 1). Turn on your computer and open Adobe Photoshop. The tool you need to use to complete this task is known as the "Unsharp Mask" and it is available in both full CS5 version and Elements program.
- 2). Click "File" and select "Open" from the drop down menu. Use your computer cursor to navigate to the folder containing the picture you need to fix. Highlight the picture and click "OK" in the bottom right to open the picture.
- 3). Click "Enhance" in the navigation bar and select "Unsharp Mask" from the drop down menu. A new smaller window will open up with three individual slider adjustments for "Amount", "Radius" and "Threshold".
- 4). Click and hold the "Amount" slider and move the slider to around the 100% point. This will increase the amount of sharpness. Click and hold the "Radius" to adjust pixel size you will be adjusting. Using a combination of these two sliders will correct the blur in your picture. Adjusting the "Threshold" slider will smooth out the changes you have made to the picture. Once you are satisfied with the changes in the preview window, click "OK" and the program will add the changes to your picture.
- 5). Click "File" and select "Save as" to save your edited image to your computer hard drive.