Business & Finance Careers & Employment

What Type of Jobs Are Out There?

Moms often ask me "Is there really something interesting out there that I can do after staying at home for a while? What if I don't know what I like? What if I'm not really trained at anything or I don't want to do what I did before kids?" My answer to these questions is threefold.
First, you are good at certain skills - you just may have lost touch with what those skills are.
Second, you do have some interests - you just may need the right questions and right environment to help you uncover them.
And third, the training you may lack for many mom-friendly careers may be a lot easier to obtain than you think.
Given all the curiosity out there about what types of jobs really exist, I decided to reveal a list of mom-friendly careers in advance of my Brilliance in Motherhood Retreat-Finding the Right Job with the Right Balance.
You might associate "work" with that yucky feeling of "I have to do more? I'm already tired!".
I'm not going to teach you about careers that require long hours and overwhelm your life.
Like me, I know that you want to have a healthy life balance.
So, why waste time even thinking about a job or career that will suck the life out of you? We will focus on jobs or careers that energize you and can be integrated into a good life balance.
Many moms prefer to work for themselves.
With the right mindset, and the right training, it's often the best way to do what you love and control your hours and your life.
In fact, 1 in 11 women in America is an entrepreneur (Center for Women's Business Research).
Check out the list of some good options below- Entrepreneurial Careers for Good Life Balance: - Design (hot field right now - graphic design, interior design, website design) - Life coach with a specific niche - Career Coach with a specific niche - Freelance writer, copywriter, editor - Freelance public relations - Instructor or yoga, dance, singing, or of another talent or skill - Interior Decorator -Creator and marketer your own craft (jewelry, art, photography etc) -Author -Speaker on topic of expertise (often based on past careers and experience) -Creator of information products (I will explain more in my retreats- you can create and sell CDs, self- published books, e-books etc.
of any topic area in which you have knowledge and experience) -Ad copy writer - Virtual Assistant (growing market for VA's to help others grow their businesses - anything from scheduling appointments, creating flyers, helping with e-newsletters or blogs, creating power points, updating websites etc) - Private tutor (a specific course or SAT prep) - Virtual concierge (high-end assistance for anything such as making dinner reservations, travel plans, obtaining theater tickets etc.
) - Speech therapist, massage therapist or personal trainer - Sylist - Marketer for someone else's business (big market here as many creative types are good at their talent but not as savvy in marketing their business) - Event Planner - Personal chef - Photographer in a specialty niche - Private consultant (in a skilled area-such as computer, fashion or image consultant) If you prefer to work for someone else, check out this list - Careers for Good Life Balance in the Current Economy: - Part-time work in a law firm - Teacher - School Counselor - Employee for a non-profit you care about - Nurse (in big demand) - Adjunct Professor at a university or junior college - Involvement in Local Politics - Sales position in a store or selling others' products - Financial advisor to small companies - Private consultant (in area of expertise or interest) Perhaps something on these lists sparks some curiosity? What is the secret to work-mom success? The secret to work-mom success is uncovering what you like and what you are good at and learning how to turn those into a profitable career that honors your life balance.

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