The Difference Between Asthma and Pneumonia Symptoms in Children
Sunday, April/14/2019
- Viruses, bacteria, and chemicals can enter the lungs and inflame them, causing pneumonia. A serious illness, pneumonia results in the lungs becoming filled with fluids.
- Asthma occurs when the lungs' airways inflame, constricting and producing mucus. This blocks the airway.
- Asthma and pneumonia cause wheeziness, chest tightness, and coughing.
- In addition to the above symptoms, children with pneumonia may develop a fever, vomiting, and chills. They may also become more fussy than usual.
- Asthma symptoms tend to occur after exposure to an irritant. Triggers of asthma attacks include mold, pollen, cigarette smoke, dry weather, and exercise. Respiratory illnesses such as colds and pneumonia may trigger asthma symptoms as well.
- If your child is having difficulty breathing or has a cough that lasts over three weeks, contact your healthcare provider.
Pneumonia Symptoms
Asthma Symptoms
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