Home & Garden Maintenance & Repairs

Water Tank Melbourne Is A Good Way To Go Green

'Go Green' is the catchphrase these days and manufacturers are coming up with eco-friendly equipment to be installed in your backyard. Governments are also sponsoring incentives for companies doing efforts to go green. Not only that, it's giving money to households too for their efforts.

What can be simpler way than installing an eco-friendly rainwater tank in your house? As part of green strategy, the government in Australia has emphasized the use of rainwater tanks Melbourne to fight with deteriorating water supply. Water is going scarce and effective conservation is the need of the hour especially in Australia, the driest continent in the world.
Statistics say that around 90 percent Australians get town water supply but there are vast areas where this water supply is very irregular. Water tanks have proved a boon for these areas. Even in areas having regular water supply, households are getting tanks installed to have an alternative source available.

If you don't have installed the tank yet, you are definitely lagging behind in this greener initiative. Water restrictions are widespread and Governments across the globe have hinted the need and importance of water conservation. So, conserve water and contribute positively towards the cause of environment.

Different types of eco-friendly tanks are available in the market and you can select as per your requirements. If you don't have much space, slimline water tank is the best option as they can be installed in any corner of your house and don't need much space. Other options available are poly tanks, ground tanks; ornate tanks, under-deck tanks etc. and you can consider these as well. If you are not getting the tank of your choice, discuss with manufacturers and they can design a customized tank for you. Though it will cost higher, you will get the design, color and storage capacity exactly as per your wish.

The ways of using tank water depends person to person. Experts say that the chance of water contamination and illness thereof are less though, the quality may not be consistently as high as urban water supply. So, it's better to use it for non-potable purposes like laundry, bathing, washing and gardening etc. If you have acute water supply issue, tank water can be consumed provided you maintain and clean up your tank regularly. You can discuss it in detail with the manufacturer. Some provide professional clean-up of tanks. You can avail these services, if required. Using the water for other purposes doesn't have a tinge of harm.

So, water tanks are part of Government greener strategy and one of the good ways to go green!

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