Health & Medical Women's Health

Breast Augmentation Best Approached With Both Eyes Open

Breast augmentation is a procedure that regularly (im)plants itself at the top of the list of cosmetic surgeries performed each year, probably due to the variety of things it's used to accomplish.
There's more to making breasts bigger than making bigger breasts.
The significance breasts hold in the human experience is not just in men's obsession with them.
The breasts can be a central aspect to a woman's sense of her own femininity; part of her identity.
Consequently, it's easy to see how a woman whose breasts are smaller than she feels they should be, smaller than magazines, television, billboards, movies, the clothes that fit every other part of her body, and in fine the world around her says they should be, could become self conscious and uncomfortable with her contours.
Even women whose natural endowment was substantial can find that pregnancy and weight loss can bring about frustration through deflation and southward migration.
There is no dearth of information generally available about the nuts and bolts of breast augmentation.
A basic perusal of the internet quickly turns up a cornucopia of cosmetic surgeons explaining that, while silicone has been cleared by the FDA for use as a filler for breast implants and produces more "natural feeling" results than saline, saline implants can usually be placed through a smaller incision and offer more flexibility of volume since they are filled after insertion.
Sites generally provide foundational information that applies to everyone; the shapes and fillers of available breast implants, the three common incision locations, some of what can be expected before and after surgery, and so forth.
Eventually, the serious seeker of breast surgery will find herself in an exam room with a doctor, and this is where true enlightenment can begin.
For the same reason that breast augmentation appeals to so many women, the fact that no two are quite the same, only your surgeon can provide you with the most vital information of all: the details that apply specifically to you.
Your body frame, your mass, your existing breast tissue, your goals, your medical history, even your future plans can all affect the risks you face and the benefits you can realistically expect.
A candid conversation with an forthright doctor is the best research you can do.
This consultation isn't just where you and your surgeon construct your specific plan to meet your cosmetic surgical goals.
It is also your chance to decide if the doctor you're consulting with will be the doctor providing your surgery and care.
The decision to undergo breast augmentation surgery is among the most personal a woman can face, and given the effect it can have on the rest of her life, worth all the care and consideration it can be given.

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