Home & Garden Maintenance & Repairs

Pull-out Pantry Shelving: Step-by-step Installation

Stores can be a very useful part of any house but shelving can sometimes be a difficult issue, especially when the withdrawal of store shelves that is used. However, this installation is not necessary to be very complex. Just follow these steps, you will be able to overcome the large fees of professional carpenters.

Required Materials

* Drawer slides
* Plywood
* Drill
* Saw
* Plywood
* Wood drawers
* Sandpaper
* Completion of the Wood

Step 1 - Measurement

Before the start of the project, you will need to measure the withdrawal store shelving area on a large scale. I do not want to make any mistakes that could have been avoided simply by measuring before starting the project. Are key to measuring the area and depth of the stairs (this should be equivalent to the length of the drawer slide your own). You will also want to keep the slides at a distance slightly away from the door hinges to make sure that there is no provincial hinge of work.

Step 2 - start of manual work

After you measure the lengths of the right to withdraw your store shelves, and you want to start building drawers. The important thing to keep in mind when creating the actual rack is to make the shelves a little shorter and less wide range of drawer slides. Usually, it will be 1.5 inches is sufficient room to make sure that the withdrawal of the trays correctly. Almost any type of wood can be used for shelving, but the pine usually works better with the bottom of Plywood. Once you push the President of the drawers to the body, and you should consider hiding screws with wood and paint, but this is only necessary if you are concerned with the aesthetics of the withdrawal store shelves.

Step 3 - I felt that the highest

Having been built on the shelves, and should be completed so that it looks more stylish. First, start by sanding the trays down with sandpaper. You must use 100-120 grit sandpaper for this step. This will ensure that the drawers are safe to use once you install them. Once you have finished sanding, you should apply some sort of end to the drawers. This is to maintain the withdrawal store shelves while providing a more attractive than the normal color of the wood original.

Step 4 - Develop a slideshow

The next step is to put the slides in the cabinet, with the withdrawal of store shelves will be located. First, remove the door from sliding from the device and install only the base metal slide. Remember to keep the slides about of an inch away from the hinges. To do this, install a simple sheet of plywood directly against the side of the cabinet and the drawer slides drilling on these pieces of plywood so far away from who will stop if it is placed directly on the side of the cabinet.

Step 5 - Link Automatic tray

The last step is the actual screw sliding drawer slides (which was removed in the last step) to integrate created in step 2. It is important to make sure that the slides are level on both sides or the device will not work correctly.

After all these steps, simply slip in your drawers and pullout shelves Enjoy your new store.

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