Using Healing Tuning Forks
- Healing tuning forks are a key aspect of sound and vibrational healing therapy. This alternative form of therapy involves using specific pitches, sounds, and vibrations to relieve stress, relieve pain and bring about homeostasis within the body. Tuning forks are used to treat everyone from children to adults and even pets.
- Tuning forks have been traditionally used to tune musical instruments. This is because a tuning fork is specifically designed to release a perfect sine wave pattern. This means that they are designed to give a perfect pitch in which a musician can adjust her instruments to match. However, alternative healing experts eventually discovered other uses for the tuning forks during healing treatment sessions.
- Tuning forks are used for healing because of their ability to emit vibrations. When a tuning fork is struck, it not only vibrates the fork itself, but it also vibrates the surrounding air space with the same frequency of vibration. This sends the vibration as an impulse through the air. Alternative healers believe that this vibration can be harnessed to help increase the healing energy inside their patients.
- When used in alternative physical therapy, a tuning fork is placed directly next to the area that needs healing. The tuning fork is then struck and allowed to send the vibration deep into the muscle, which many alternative healers believe helps speed the healing process. Tuning forks are also used for energy therapy. Many people believe that the body has a constant flow of energy. This energy congregates in specific areas called chakras. The tuning fork is held to these energy centers and struck. This in theory allows the vibrations from the different sounds to penetrate the chakras freeing the good energy and releasing the bad energy from the body. It is also believed that placing the tuning forks near energy centers in the spine will improve the energy flow from the spine to the organs throughout the body. Alternative healers believe that this will improve the function and health of your organs.