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How to Wear Leggings to Work

The cooler weather means leggings season is here again. Aside from having to bear witness to those who clearly don't have a full size mirror at home, or who truly believe that a pair of opaque tights can be worn as leggings, if worn properly, these comfortable, elastic waist, stretchy beauties can actually be quite stylish. While leggings are often reserved for casual wear only, they can be worn to work, if, and only if, certain rules are followed. In today's post I am giving my tips on how to wear leggings to work.
Leggings can be worn to work if the dress code of your office is not conservative or incredibly corporate. Typically, dress codes at conservative workplaces require tailored clothing, often suits or suited separates, modest dress and nothing showy. There is just no place for leggings unless the office has dress down Fridays. Although, dress down Friday in the corporate world is usually much different than more relaxed office settings. Air on the side of caution and leave the leggings for the weekends, particularly if you are looking to move up, get promoted, you want to make a really good impression or are interfacing with people outside your office, like clients.
Rule #2- Keep work leggings and casual leggings separate
Unless your weekend leggings are of superior quality, keep them for casual wear only. You want your work leggings to be fresh, not-stretched out, not washed out, fade-free and definitely not pilled or worn looking. An option to consider when buying a new pair of leggings is to use them as work leggings until they get a bit worn and then downgrade them to weekend wear once they do. It's sort of how most people cycle out sponges in their kitchen; they start out as dish sponges and eventually get downgraded to wiping up spills on the floor.
Rule #3- Never, and I mean, never show your butt
This should go without saying, but nobody should see your butt when wearing leggings, especially at work. I don't care if you recently finished an Iron Man competition at your best time and you think your butt is so beautiful that you believe it should be admired by others. Your tops, jackets and/or cardigans should cover you up. While I'm not a fan of anyone showing their butt while wearing leggings casually, to each their own, I guess. However, when it comes to work, it's not about you, it's about your job and what is considered professional. Just don't do it, okay?
Rule #4- Choose heftier leggings
Nothing is worse than a cheap pair of leggings that are so thin that the skin shows through the fabric. For work, choose a pair of leggings that are beefy enough in weight so that your skin doesn't show. Nowadays you can get a pair of leggings at just about every price point. Cheap, thin leggings should be reserved for casual moments, if at all. When trying on leggings, bend your knees and make sure they aren't so tight on your thighs that your skin shows through. Understandably, leggings give out over time and the stress of wear may create grin-through (grin-through means you can see through the fabric). When that happens it is either time to get rid of them or to downgrade them to cleaning the house or running errands.
Rule #5- Wear your leggings in a professional manner
Even if leggings are okay for your workplace, and even if the dress code where you work is more laid back, an appropriate leggings-look for should still be professional. In many instances a tunic sweater and leggings is fine for work, however, this type of outfit should still have some professional polish to it. When wearing leggings to work, try to either pair the outfit with some tailored components to balance out the relaxed feel or choose accessories that elevate your outfits. Leggings may be comfortable, may make you feel all comfy cozy, yet, remember, you are going to work, you still need to look pulled together.
Leggings outfits that can go to work
Below are three outfits that can give you some ideas, inspiration and additional tips on how to wear leggings to work in a way that is appropriate and professional.

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