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What Is An Electrical Insulators?

What is an electrical insulator? Electrical insulators are those products that can stop the flow of electricity or that can prevent the electricity flowing through the product. It is one of the essential materials used in the electrical equipments. Without insulators it is not at all possible to use the electricity. Wherever, you find electricity, there you require insulators. It is necessary to avoid the flow of electricity and to control the flow insulators are used. It is an integral part of every electrical system. Electrical insulators are used to resist the electricity completely, so that it becomes completely safe to handle the system. It is necessary to manage the transmission and distribution system efficiently. To make the cut off and make on mechanism work properly, it is necessary to use the insulators.

What is an insulating material? An insulating material does not allow electricity flow through them and they destruct the flow of electricity through them. There are some properties that are necessary for the insulators to be used to avoid the flow of electricity. Since lots of heat is produced in the process of arching, that can cause damage to the insulator. The following characters are found in the insulating materials.

=>The insulating materials should be strong enough to carry the load and tension of the conductors.
=> The strength of the material should be enough to manage the voltage pressure in a system.
=> The insulation strength should be enough to resist the leakage of the current to the earth.
=> There should not be any pores in the insulating materials.
=> The insulators are to be prepared in such a way, that there should not be any leakage in the insulator and there should be opening to allow gases or moisture into it.

It should be temperature resistant.

There are three types of insulators found in the industry. They are Porcelain, glass and polyester insulators. These three types of insulators have their own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, it is important to know the qualities and properties of these insulators to adopt them suitable wherever it is necessary.

Porcelain is one of the common insulators found in the electrical industry. Many types of insulators can be found in this particular material. Porcelain is nothing but an Aluminium silicate. It is mixed with plastic kaolin, quartz and this is produced with a glazed surface. It is a water resisting material. But it should not have any porosity. Porcelain material does not have porosity without any air bubble; otherwise it may affect the insulating properties.

Another type of insulators is a glass insulator. Glass has a better dielectric strength, and high resistance strength. Apart from this it has got low thermal expansion. It will not get heated up when exposed to sunlight. Due to the transparent nature of glass, air bubbles and porosity can be detected without any trouble.

The next type of insulators is polymer insulator. There are many advantages of in polymer insulator. The main advantage of polymer insulator is no breakage problem. To know more about insulators you can visit

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