7 Natural Ways To Fade Age Spots And Skin Blemishes
Age spots and other kinds of skin blemishes can appear as you get older.
When your skin is constantly exposed to ultraviolet rays, it can sustain damages that will prompt the excessive production of melanin.
You don't have to use sophisticated treatments to fade age spots and skin blemishes.
You just have to know which natural treatments will work in improving the health of your skin and getting rid of pigmentation spots.
Here are some of the ones I can highly recommend: 1.
Lime juice This is a good source of citric acid.
Citric acid, just like other AHA peelers, can facilitate a renewal of skin tissue so that the younger and whiter skin can resurface.
This treatment also works in brightening up the skin tone.
Just apply raw lime juice on the spots.
You can also apply it all over your skin if you want to have fairer skin.
Let it sit there for about 30 minutes before washing it off.
Use this treatment every night for best results.
Papaya extract It contains whitening enzymes that can inhibit the production of melanin.
It also helps make the skin softer and smoother.
Just apply the extract of papaya on the affected areas of the dermis.
Kojic acid This is taken from fermented rice wine or sake.
It has the ability to inhibit melanin production and to make the skin appear brighter and more radiant.
You can try looking for soaps or toners with kojic acid in it.
Just remember to protect your skin from the sun whenever you are using a treatment with acid in it.
Licorice extract This extract is a good source of whitening agents.
It works well in mimicking the whitening functions of hydroquinone.
But unlike hydroquinone, it does not have side effects.
Pearl powder This has often been used as treatment for dark skin and wrinkles in the past.
Many Asian empresses have tried to defy the aging process with much success using pearl powder.
You can add this to olive oil and apply it on your age spots.
Lactic acid Sour milk works well in facilitating a cellular turnover.
It helps the dermis control pigmentation problems.
Extrapone Nutgrass Look for a moisturizing cream that has been incorporated with Extrapone Nutgrass.
This plant has root extracts that can inhibit melanin by up to 45% during the first two weeks of use.
It can lighten up your complexion and reduce blemishes.
It also has emollient properties that can make the skin softer and smoother.
When your skin is constantly exposed to ultraviolet rays, it can sustain damages that will prompt the excessive production of melanin.
You don't have to use sophisticated treatments to fade age spots and skin blemishes.
You just have to know which natural treatments will work in improving the health of your skin and getting rid of pigmentation spots.
Here are some of the ones I can highly recommend: 1.
Lime juice This is a good source of citric acid.
Citric acid, just like other AHA peelers, can facilitate a renewal of skin tissue so that the younger and whiter skin can resurface.
This treatment also works in brightening up the skin tone.
Just apply raw lime juice on the spots.
You can also apply it all over your skin if you want to have fairer skin.
Let it sit there for about 30 minutes before washing it off.
Use this treatment every night for best results.
Papaya extract It contains whitening enzymes that can inhibit the production of melanin.
It also helps make the skin softer and smoother.
Just apply the extract of papaya on the affected areas of the dermis.
Kojic acid This is taken from fermented rice wine or sake.
It has the ability to inhibit melanin production and to make the skin appear brighter and more radiant.
You can try looking for soaps or toners with kojic acid in it.
Just remember to protect your skin from the sun whenever you are using a treatment with acid in it.
Licorice extract This extract is a good source of whitening agents.
It works well in mimicking the whitening functions of hydroquinone.
But unlike hydroquinone, it does not have side effects.
Pearl powder This has often been used as treatment for dark skin and wrinkles in the past.
Many Asian empresses have tried to defy the aging process with much success using pearl powder.
You can add this to olive oil and apply it on your age spots.
Lactic acid Sour milk works well in facilitating a cellular turnover.
It helps the dermis control pigmentation problems.
Extrapone Nutgrass Look for a moisturizing cream that has been incorporated with Extrapone Nutgrass.
This plant has root extracts that can inhibit melanin by up to 45% during the first two weeks of use.
It can lighten up your complexion and reduce blemishes.
It also has emollient properties that can make the skin softer and smoother.