The Average Pay for Phlebotomists
- The PayScale Report states that as of July 2010, phlebotomists earn a basic hourly rate of $10.74 to $14.73, with overtime rates of $14.88 to $21.77. Adding annual bonuses and profit sharing produces total annual compensation of $23,024 to $31,897.
- The greater the experience, the higher the salary. New workers earn $23,928 to $32,500 annually, while those with 20 or more years of experience make $27,572 to $40,301.
- The type of employer can affect pay, with those who are self-employed earning the widest range and highest income at $11,792 to $42,729. Those working for state and local governments earn $23,179 to $37,345, while those in the federal government make $25,434 to $31,368.
- The city of employment can determine compensation. Chicago, for example, offers pay of $24,852 to $41,097, and the range in Houston is $24,456 to $36,460. At the low end are Atlanta at $20,168 to $31,742 and Richmond, Virginia, at $24,490 to $30,300.
- According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, jobs for all laboratory techs (including phlebotomists) will grow by 14 percent from 2008 to 2018, which is faster than average. This high demand will also fuel salary increases.