Health & Medical Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery

What Are the Benefits and Risks of Smartlipo Triplex Procedure?

This article discusses the benefits and risks of Smartlipo Triplex procedure. Smartlipo Triplex has transformed plastic surgery by producing results and great body contouring opportunities that were just not possible with earlier cosmetic surgery procedures. The results are closer to the expectations of patients and are achieved in a safe manner with the least discomfort to patients.

Much Lesser Risks Compared to Conventional Liposuction

Any cosmetic surgery procedure has its risks, but with Smartlipo Triplex the risks are less since the laser energy is administered in a regulated manner that is made possible by smart technologies such as SmartSense and ThermaGuide. With regard to plastic surgery in general, Smartlipo liposuction has much lesser chance of side effects, serious health issues or discomfort. The local anesthesia controls the pain, which could arise during surgery while pain medication takes care of the post-surgery pain. The list of risks is similar to that encountered in other laser liposuction treatments.

Potential Risks of Smartlipo Triplex

Patients could experience numbness in the area treated, and there could also be lumpiness, dimpling and mild scarring in the area of fat extraction. There is also the risk of infection at the area and skin discoloration.

Paradoxically, the advantage of Smartlipo Triplex is that much of these risks are eliminated. The surgeon gets more control of the laser energy, and there are also the aforementioned technologies that ensure that too much heat does not get to the skin and also that the energy is administered evenly throughout the region. This eliminates the risk of heat burns.

Risks Are Dealt with through Technology

Sagging skin, which is a risk with any liposuction procedure caused by the sudden fat removal, is dealt with by the proven tissue coagulation capabilities of the triple wavelength laser administration that characterizes Smartlipo Triplex.

€ The combination of the 1064 nm, 1320 nm and 1440 nm laser wavelengths ensure that the targeted fat deposits are absorbed and burned without affecting the surrounding tissues. As this happens, the tissues get coagulated thus tightening the skin.

€ The rest of the risks are typically associated with post-treatment recovery and can be reduced by expert care, which is why it is important to seek Smartlipo liposuction from an experienced and Cynosure-trained plastic surgeon in an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery facility.

Long Lasting Results of Smartlipo Liposuction

The results keep improving as the months go by for up to a year. The results are long lasting but the overall right figure can only be maintained by exercising and dieting.

Overall, the benefits far outweigh the risks with this revolutionary liposuction treatment. As mentioned before, the right plastic surgeon can make a world of difference to the results and safety aspects. These benefits and risks of Smartlipo Triplex procedure should be able to guide you in making a decision.

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