Insurance Health Insurance

AmeriplanUSA Health Benefits Review - Does it Work?

Do Ameriplan Discount Health Benefits work? Yes it does! For me the benefits absolutely work.
First I'll tell you what Ameriplan is.
Ameriplan or sometimes called AmeriplanUSA is a MLM marketing company best known for their discount health care programs.
In 1992, Ameriplan started with their discount fee-for-service dental program which has since "blossomed" into many quality money saving services including Dental, Vision, Prescription, Chiropractic and Physician services.
They also offer Ancillary services, Hospital Advocacy and Podiatry services to say the least, but I won't.
They now offer SecureNet which includes ID Theft Protection, National Child ID, Family Legal Plan, Roadside Assistance and Financial Services.
With all of this growth within AmeriPlan, they are truly living up to their mission of "Saving America...
One Household at a Time.
" Quite some time ago I found myself at a "crossroad".
Recently laid off and stressing about providing health benefits not only for my family, but for myself as well.
I found Ameriplan through a friend and started my research.
Researching is very important.
Its part of the learning process, part of becoming educated (I can show you how to do this later).
Researching consisted of confirming providers and personal needs.
Not all Dentists and physicians accept Ameriplan.
I did secure a dentist and physician and I began to take care of needed services.
Now as a member you can go to a health provider such as a dentist or physician and use the discounted service.
You get the same procedures as if you had insurance.
You just don't have to pay the high monthly premiums as you would with health insurance.
You pay a discounted price at the end of your appointment and then you're done.
You then get your receipt.
There is no extra statement or billing.
Here's the part that's really cool.
The company has no billing department.
No more bills in the mail is something that all of us can live with.
For me this was actually the beginning of a planned and desired lifestyle.
The research I had done showed that I would experience this.
It's all part of spending less and saving more.
This also creates a higher level of well being.
So when it comes to value, Ameriplan is "spot on".
A member can cover everyone in the household (up to 20 people) with no extra charge.
With the Total Health plan at $39.
95 a month everyone is covered and can use the benefits 100%.
This is not heard of with insurance.
Now once the family and I had our dental appointments taken care of, the savings were very apparent.
I ended up paying less for the dental appointments than I would have paid for a monthly insurance premium.
Experiencing this I knew that the months ahead are reserved for saving money.
I have found Ameriplan Health Benefits can work.
Members can save money and make changes in their lifestyle and still maintain if not excel with their health and wellness.

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