Technology Networking & Internet

Servers with Multiple C Class IP brings a World of Possibilities

Server with multiple C Class IP addresses are rather difficult to find. This is mainly because of the extreme shortage of IPv4 addresses. However, most SEO hosting companies offer server with multiple C Class addresses. SEO hosting companies own thousands of IP addresses and they offer each client with IPs out of as many C Classes as the client wants.

€ A server with multiple C Class IP would cost anywhere between $300 to $1,500 per month depending on the configuration, provider and number of IPs you've opted for.

€ If you don't have the budget to purchase an entire server and IPs from a SEO hosting provider, you can always take a smaller package where they host you on a shared server with multiple C Class IP addresses along with some other clients of theirs.

€ This helps cut costs and split resources so the smaller clients can get their smaller packages without having to spend extra on unnecessary server resources that they are not going to use any which ways.

€ If you wish to host an entire network of interlinking websites on a server, do not just sign up for a regular dedicated server with a bunch of IPs. You'll most likely get your websites blacklisted in most Search Engines. Instead go to a SEO hosting provider and sign up for a server with multiple C Classes or just simple SEO hosting.

€ A server with multiple C Class IP addresses is not enough for safe-guarding your websites. You must know that even though your websites are hosted on a server with multiple C Class IP there are a lot of other giveaways and factors that Search engines take into consideration while evaluating websites.

€ Make sure that the name servers for each and every domain you've hosted on your server with multiple C Class IPs is unique and does not match the name servers of any other domains.

It is generally advisable to keep it simple, and would be the best way to go about it where you replace "" with each of your individual domains that form up the network of websites hosted on your server with multiple C Class IP addresses.

€ The Whois registration details of any domain can be easily found. Search engines take that into consideration too. Most SEO companies use different and fake/dummy whois information on each of their domains. Do not use the same whois registration information for any two domains hosted on the same server with multiple C Class IP, but fake whois details instead or just use private whois so search engines aren't shown any whois details at all.

€ Apart from all this, ensure that you have emailed your SEO hosting provider to change the rDNS of each IP as per the domain hosted on it so all rDNS of each C Class IP and domain name on the server becomes different and unique.

If you employ these techniques in your SEO campaign, you will see how much of a performance boost is given to your search engine rankings by using SEO hosting.

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