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Bad Breath Causes and Appropriate Treatment

Halitosis, more commonly referred to as bad breath is a nightmare for quite a big percentage of the population.
If you have bad breath, know that you are not alone.
Many people say that bad breath is caused by bad oral hygiene.
While this does cause bad breath, it can sometime be more complicated.
This is why it is important to know the cause of the problem before treating it.
But whatever the reason of your bad breath you must brush your teeth twice or more daily and floss regularly.
Below are a few of the most common causes of bad breath and the appropriate remedies.
- Food (mostly spices like onion and garlic) Best solution is to avoid these spices completely but this same like telling you to eat food that has no taste.
Keep it a good habit to brush your teeth after every meal.
This might not always be possible, but if you are in an important gathering always think of having gum with you.
Chewing gum just after your dinner will help to get rid of the smell and keep your mouth fresh.
Be sure to get sugar free gum.
- Bacteria in the mouth We all have bacteria in our mouths.
They are one of the main reasons why our mouths smell in the morning.
This is because the mouth stay dry whole night and this is when the bacteria go to work on the food remains in the mouth.
During day it is important to keep the mouth moist all the time as this will wash away the bacteria.
Brushing the teeth for at least five minutes, flossing and scraping your tongue will get rid of most bacteria.
Know that your tongue is bacteria free only when it is pink.
- Smoking All smokers I know have a terrible breath even if they have a prefect oral hygiene.
The thing is cigarette itself contains foul odor substances, tar and nicotine among others.
Apart from chewing gum for a quick breath fix, best is to quit smoking.
I know for some people this may be very difficult but if you seriously want to get rid of your bad breath, you need to stop smoking.
It is not easy to live with bad breath every day.
I know someone who always turn away or hide his mouth when talking to others as he knows he has a foul breath.
It must be really embarrassing for him.
But fortunately he stopped smoking and now he is just fine, he seems more confident while talking now.
If you are serious about getting rid of your bad breath you need to know the cause first.

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