Liberty League International - Business Review
Liberty League International is a classic pass up program or otherwise known as an Australian 2 up program.
They sell three different motivational products including: Beyond Freedom Home Study Course for $1,495, a 3 Day Conference for $7,995, and the Summit 5 Day Conference for $12,995.
The attraction to this business is that the commissions are very large...
$8,000 for the Summit 5 Day Conference.
However, who do you know that is willing to pay almost $13,000 for a motivational conference? After studying and researching this company, I decided not to join.
Allow me to be truthful and explain why.
The first reason I didn't join, is that they are NOT 100% automated.
Wouldn't you want to work with a company that allows you to make money in your sleep? The second reason I didn't join, is your sponsor will only work with you for your first two sales, then you are on your own in this business.
The last reason I didn't join, is that their compensation plan wasn't all that great.
After reviewing other network marketing companies, this one didn't seem too enticing.
My intent is that I have given you some facts to ponder when deciding whether or not to join Liberty League.
The decision on which Internet business is right for you will ultimately be yours, but I wanted to share some pertinent information in order to make the wisest decision.
Good Luck in your future Internet marketing endeavors and remember no matter which company you decide to join, you will only be successful if you play full on.
They sell three different motivational products including: Beyond Freedom Home Study Course for $1,495, a 3 Day Conference for $7,995, and the Summit 5 Day Conference for $12,995.
The attraction to this business is that the commissions are very large...
$8,000 for the Summit 5 Day Conference.
However, who do you know that is willing to pay almost $13,000 for a motivational conference? After studying and researching this company, I decided not to join.
Allow me to be truthful and explain why.
The first reason I didn't join, is that they are NOT 100% automated.
Wouldn't you want to work with a company that allows you to make money in your sleep? The second reason I didn't join, is your sponsor will only work with you for your first two sales, then you are on your own in this business.
The last reason I didn't join, is that their compensation plan wasn't all that great.
After reviewing other network marketing companies, this one didn't seem too enticing.
My intent is that I have given you some facts to ponder when deciding whether or not to join Liberty League.
The decision on which Internet business is right for you will ultimately be yours, but I wanted to share some pertinent information in order to make the wisest decision.
Good Luck in your future Internet marketing endeavors and remember no matter which company you decide to join, you will only be successful if you play full on.