Technology Networking & Internet

How to Replace a Comcast Modem



Decide whether you will be replacing the modem at your own cost or asking for a replacement from Comcast. If there is a technical issue with your Comcast modem, they may replace it free of charge if that is stated in your contract. You can call (800) 266-2278 to speak to Comcast and have your modem replaced with another Comcast modem.

Unplug your Comcast modem and disconnect all hardware and connections from the unit. This unit will need to be returned to Comcast or you will continue to be charged for the lease on the equipment.

Write down the MAC number of your new modem. This will be found on a sticker on the modem itself, on the box, or on both. Comcast will need this number to use your new modem within their system.

Connect your new modem. Plug the new unit into a power outlet and reconnect any hardware or peripherals.

Call Comcast at (800) 266-2278. Connect with tech support to speak with a technician. You will need to give the MAC number to this technician. Test the Internet connection before ending the call; this way, any issues can be resolved with the same technician.

Return your Comcast modem to the nearest Comcast office and have the leasing charge taken off of your future bills.

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