Health & Medical Nutrition

Phytoestrogen and Antioxidant activity of Soy means for your Health

Isoflavones are found in only a handful of plants, with soy being the richest source. In the plant isoflavones appear to function primarily as antioxidants-protecting the plant from ultraviolet radiation and other sources of free radicals. When consumed, these isoflavones function as antioxidants and as phytoestrogens in the body. These two functions account for the majority of health benefits associated with a soy rich diet.

How was the psytoestrogen activity of isoflavones discovered?

Plants have been suspected of containing their own estrogenlike compounds since the 1920s. During the 1940s, Australian sheepherders noticed that sheep fed on certain pastures of clover were plagued with infertility problems and showed signs of excessive estrogen levels. This animal husbandry enigma was soon traced to the high levels of "estrogen mimickers'' contained in the clover. Research into these newly discovered plant estrogens during the 1950s and 1960s uncovered even more plants with weak estrogenic activity. And around this time the isoflavones in soy were determined to have estrogenlike activity.

Why does the body need estrogen?

Estrogen (the female sex hormone) actually plays several important roles in health. Estrogen is needed for fertility, sustaining a pregnancy, and breastfeeding, among other functions. Moreover, it appears that the estrogen levels typically found in women before menopause partially protect against heart disease and osteoporosis. But estrogen is not unilaterally beneficial. Too much estrogen in women can contribute to hormone related cancers, such as breast and uterine cancers.

Estrogen circulating in the body (whether it was made by the body itself or introduced artificially through such means as hormone replacement therapy) has a special affinity for certain tissues. The tissues that contain receptors that bind with estrogen are most common in the breasts, vagina, and uterus.
When estrogen is bound to a receptor, it sends a message for that tissue to start growing. While this is healthy and natural during certain times of life (such as pregnancy), at other times it increases the risk of cancer. This is why a balanced amount of estrogen is best.

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