Technology Software

How to Override Installation Restriction Policies

    • 1). Click the "Start" button on the server desktop to launch the start menu.

    • 2). Type "mmc gpedit.msc" in the text box on the start menu, then press the "Enter" button on your keyboard. This will launch the Group Policy Management Editor.

    • 3). Double-click the "Computer Configuration" option in the left pane to extend the section. You will see more options appear in a list below "Computer Configuration."

    • 4). Double-click the "Administrative Templates" and the "System" options.

    • 5). Double-click the "Device Installation" folder, then click on the "Device Installation Restrictions." You will see information about the restrictions setting in the right pane.

    • 6). Double-click "Allow administrators to override Device Installation Restriction policies" in the right pane, then select "Enabled."

    • 7). Click "OK" to change the settings to allow administrators to override installation restriction policies.

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