Health & Medical Depression

Understanding Anxiety Symptoms

Anxiety and stress is common response of our body when we face any dangerous and unpleasant situation. Hence sometime this normal response lead to sever stress, anxiety or panic attacks even though not occurring real problem to elicit them, it is one type of abnormality symptoms. To over come this anxiety symptom seeking treatment from proper professional.

Before looking help people to solve anxiety disorder seekers must know their anxiety attack symptoms. The anxiety attack symptoms such as feeling consistent worrying in any stage that patient need not worry about, soreness or pain in the body, experiencing dizzy or lightheaded, trouble in sleep, or excess time sleeping, problem in stomach or nausea, worrying thoughts that stop patients life to get enjoy from life or able to balance daily life activities.

We face anxiety in any stage of our life either one or several time; also we can face panic attacks. Hence we can face sever problem in anxiety disorder if it continue or it happen time to time. Frequent anxiety symptoms force patient to indicate strange behavior such as GAD (generalized anxiety disorder), PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder), panic disorder, or OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder. All are anxiety disorder to connect each other.

Both patent and doctor unable to diagnosis the symptoms of anxiety because patient never face anxiety signs frequently but patient who suffer reoccurring pain attacks or anxiety may also lead double harmful and can face any where any time and rarer chance to hope help from others.

There are many medical and natural methods to relief anxiety. So many people hesitate to take medication to solve mood and emotional disorder. Sometime medication takes anxiety very bad level.

As doctor i first help patient to know proper understanding between mental and physical relationship. Brain controls the entire body functions. Metabolism and eating disorder is the physical aspects which provide energy to function body organ. Obviously people who are not showing interest on eating proper food they face lethargic, sluggish, lack of moods and loss frequently energy, and also loss memory frequently.

To over the problem of mental, physical and anxiety condition you need to read below carefully:

* Delicious Food always eat healthy food routine basis, dont eat early or late.

* Drink Water water is the main element of human body. Drink sufficient purifies water.

* Dont sleep less or more time. Sleep 8-9 hrs in night.

If you or anyone of your family member suffering anxiety symptoms then preferred above treatment process. Anxiety can be cured if you are taking seriously.

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