Pets & Animal Pets Birds

How to Keep Hornets Away From Hummingbird Feeders

    • 1). Choose a saucer-type hummingbird feeder from the local bird store; they will not drip nectar during the heat of the day. Bottle-type hummingbird feeders often leak nectar during hot days. The food becomes more liquid, which quickly attracts the hornets.

    • 2). Use red-based hummingbird feeders. Hornets are attracted to the color yellow, and many hummingbird feeders sport yellow colors. Purchase only saucer-shaped hummingbird feeders that have bee guards.

    • 3). Change the hummingbird nectar within the feeder at least once a week. Hornets are attracted to the nectar when it becomes concentrated and syrupy.

    • 4). Move the hummingbird feeder when hornets become a problem. Simply moving the feeder a few feet is enough to confuse the hornets for awhile before they relocate it.

    • 5). Place a commercial hornet trap beside the hummingbird feeder. The hornets will be attracted to the trap, but the hummingbirds will not be.

    • 6). Destroy all hornet nests using a commercial hornet killer insecticide. Hornets travel up to 1,000 feet in search of food, so destroy all nests within the radius.

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