Home & Garden Personal Safety & Security

Home Safety

Do you like most people think that your home is a sanctuary? A haven you can return to after a hard days work.
Someplace you wouldn't even imagine being violated by the low lifes of our society.
Hopefully we will never have to go through the experience of being a robbery victim, alas unfortunately it will happen to some of us.
As horrendous as the thought is of someone breaking into our house while we are at work, think of how horrible it would be if either we or a loved one happened to be home at the time of the break in.
How many of us worry before going on what should be one of the most relaxing times of our lives? I of course mean when we go on vacation.
I for one have purchased electronic timers to turn my lights on and off.
I am certain that many of you have done the same.
Unfortunately the timer doesn't always work and as such is unreliable.
Try using a similar device which is similar but different, it is called the Fake TV.
Simply plug in the Fake TV unit into any wall socket and it's built in light sensor will turn it on automatically at dusk and off at first light.
The Fake TV accurately simulates the light output of a real television.
Fake TV uses a built in computer to control many super-bright LEDs to produce light of varying intensity and color that lights up a room just like a real television does.
If someone is thinking about breaking into your empty home, the Fake TV will act as a great deterrent.
When travelling the Door Stop Alarm could be the most important item you take with you.
A thief might be able to pick the lock of your home, motel room or apartment however, they will not get inside.
The Door Stop Alarm wedges beneath the door it is placed under and the harder someone tries to open the door, the more tightly it holds.
An added feature of this device is that if somebody attempts to open the door it is under, they will strike its metal plate and this will activate a 125 decibel alarm.
How many of us have left our house key under the front door mat for someone? I know I have.
A thief knows this trick and may look under the mat himself, if he intends to break into your house.
Utilize the Key Hider, which looks like an ordinary rock to good use.
Nobody will think twice about a rock in your garden.
Only you and whomever you tell will know that this is your secret hiding place for your key.
If you always wanted a wireless security system but were unable or unwilling to pay the monthly service, then perhaps a wireless system which you install is something you should look into.
While these systems vary in features and complexity they have several things in common.
If activated by motion they will each emit a 105 decibel alarm.
Two of them also have a unique feature; once the alarm is activated the units are able to call any one of five pre-programmed phone numbers.
All you need is a landline connection to these two units.
How many of you have been at one time or another frightened of what or who may come through a window.
The answer to your problem is a window/door alarm that when tripped will emit an ear piercing siren of over 100 decibel.
These units may have multiple purposes in that it can be used to protect personal property such as computers, TV's, stereo's, etc.
Finally what about our precious children? The device called the Child Monitor can be and is a truly indispensable unit.
Simply attach this cartoon shaped animal transmitter to your child's buckle, to their clothes or the unit can be worn as a necklace.
You can adjust the unit to your comfort range.
The monitor is adjustable from 6 to 30 feet.
If you child moves outside the distance that you have preset, your hand held receiver will beep alerting you of that fact.
It will give you peace of mind when you are outside with your child at for example a playground.
The unit will also work equally as well indoors.
You always want to be sure that your children are safe in whatever environment they may be.
Children have a tendency to wander and this unit is a safety precaution which will allow you to constantly monitor them.
Aside from getting caught, I would wager that a thief does not want to be known.
The above mentioned alarms will most definitely make the presence of an intruder known certainly to you and very likely to others nearby.
An alarm will make a thief run from the area more quickly than anything I can imagine.
If your house or other property of yours is the intended target of a thief, then one of these alarms will turn the tide on the aggressor.
Security products are very much like insurance.
You hope that you will never need to use it, but you sure are glad if the unforeseen happens that you have insurance.

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