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Female Hair Transplant and Factors For Hair Loss in Women

If asking whether a teen can have plastic surgery, the answer is obviously yes. But in truth the answer should more or less be dependant upon the circumstances involved. There are many things that can happen in youth that may cause life altering scars or deformations. If a teenager is forced to go through the teen years without remedying these deformations, then they may have issues with their self esteem and emotional well being. In cases like this it would be imperative to have a plastic surgery procedure done, but in these cases it would more or less be considered a reconstructive surgery.

However, more and more teens today want the look of a movie star or music artist. They want that perfect body that they see in the magazines and on their television sets. Chances are that if a teenager decides that they want a procedure done it is because of this. It is for this reason that the problem lies. To use the concept of having a body like an idol is in truth a sign that their mind has not truly matured sufficiently to make the decision. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, a plastic surgeon should say no to the operation for this reason alone. The sad truth is that many surgeons will not say no if the cash is on the table.

Of course teenagers can have plastic surgery, only if they can understand the effect that the surgery may cause. The only safe assumption is from the FDA who has officially stated that no person under the age of 18 can undergo a breast augmentation. Other than this small piece of legislature, the government has made not attempt to interfere with teenagers being able to have a procedure done.

It is always better to be safe rather than sorry. For most teenagers, development is still underway, and any plastic surgery can actually make things worse if done while the body is still growing. Make sure that you ask as many questions as you possibly can and research the procedure as well so that you are as informed about the procedure that you can possibly be. If you are a teenager wanting plastic surgery or even if you are a parent, talking together about this decision is a very important part of ensuring that you have the right information that is needed to make a proper decision.
Assessing the Psychological Aspect of Performing Plastic Surgery on Children

Children are basically beautiful creatures. They are warm and honest and pure and delightful. A parent can find themselves in extreme distress when considering whether cosmetic surgery is an appropriate method of care for their child.

Cosmetic surgery is associated with vanity and society's obsession with youth and beauty and weight. Cosmetic surgery isn't typically given its due consideration for fixing disfigurements and malformations. When a parent discusses the prospect of cosmetic surgery, they are often regarded as vain and indignant individuals subjecting their child to a painful procedure for their own pursuit of perfection.

This is not necessarily the case. While there are parents out there who will put their children under the knife to give their child a better nose or perfect their features, most parents only consider cosmetic surgery for children under extreme circumstances.

Sometimes the psychological aspects of not undergoing a corrective procedure can be harmful to the child's self esteem. Conditions such as cleft palate or infant skull reconstruction are conditions that will most likely inhibit the child for the rest of their lives. However there are conditions that are marginally obtrusive and the child may or may not benefit from cosmetic surgery for children. Otoplasty, also known as ear pinning, may or not be a quality decision regarding a child's well being

Some people consider children with large ears that protrude out from the head to be particularly cute. Other children, however consider these children to be "Dumbo" or "Mickey Mouse." A child with protruding ears are good candidates for cosmetic surgery for children, but one has to consider the consequences of under going the treatment as well as refusing to undergo the treatment.

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