Technology Mobile-Cell-Phone

The Innovation Of The Blackberry

Multi-tasking has quickly become a way of life for smart phone and mobile tablet users. Its all about working on the go, being connected 24/7 and having access to real time content so that youre never out of the loop. Nowadays, if you go out to dinner, you have to check-in and let your friends know where youre at. If you go on vacation, you have to post pictures to show what a great time youre having. Weddings, birthdays, babies, political views, sports allegiances, what happened at work all things and points of views that need to be shared with friends, discussed and liked/disliked. Nowadays, its not enough to have a phone that can text and take pictures. Whatever smartphone youre carrying has to be able to keep up with your fast paced lifestyle, and better yet, should be an extension of your personality, your tastes and even your sense of fashion.

BlackBerry smart phones are a preferred mobile device for a large portion of the worldwide market, keeping on trend and delivering exactly what millions of users demand from their handsets. From here in the U.S. to the BlackBerry Malaysia market, the devices are considered another way for young adults to express themselves, as being seen BBMing on the devices is just as important as the content thats delivered. In fact, BBM (BlackBerry Messaging) is preferred over all other messaging services, which helps to explain why so many users are addicted to their devices.

With updates happening so quickly in the technology and mobile industries, BlackBerry users are hard pressed to keep up with the latest and greatest software updates and new applications. In fact, even though BlackBerry softwareversion 6 was released quite some time ago (in 2010), version 5 is still the most used in the market, though the two operating systems together make up an overwhelming 90% of total BlackBerry users. Version 6 software includes several enhancements to version 5, providing users with better organization, faster browsing, an enhanced media player, and of course more customization and streamlined social integration. For some users, the upgrades arent critical (as it means learning to navigate a new home page), while to others, faster is always better.

Because BlackBerry continues to push the envelope and innovate, the next logical step was to come out with a BlackBerry tablet. Enter the PlayBook Tablet PC, a multimedia device that allows multiple apps and blazing fast performance with all of the bells and whistles that Blackberry fans have come to know and love. And best of all, the BlackBerry price point remains super competitive, so users young and old can get in on the trend.

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