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A Philadelphia Personal Injury Lawyer Talks About Eye Injury Claims and Traumatic Brain Injury

In 2005 Kelly was partially blinded in one eye when she was hit by a car.
Her body was slammed to the street face first.
Sonia was trying to cross a busy urban street while her light was red.
Nevertheless, Kelly obtained a settlement in excess of $300,000.
With the settlement, Kelly was able to pay her medical bills, get expert assistance with her activities of daily living and put money in the bank.
CAN YOU HANDLE YOUR CASE WITHOUT A LAWYER? I was recently contacted by Betty, an insurance claims adjuster, about a car crash she was involved in.
She decided to try to represent herself.
Her familiarity with insurance claims made this appealing.
I told her that I would be happy to answer her questions, but that I preferred that she actually retain my services.
Betty was reluctant since she was worried that my percentage of the settlement would leave her with less money than if she handled the case herself.
About two months later Betty contacted me again crying and frantic.
The combined stress of her injury and dealing one on one with the insurance company left her psychologically scarred and physically drained.
She began to relax and heal immediately upon retaining my services.
By letting go of the control of her case she was also able to let go of pressures that were blocking her healing process.
Betty was content during the entire course of her case about her decision to retain my services.
Even when I deducted my share from the settlement money, she expressed only thanks.
What Betty and many others have a hard time appreciating is that even the attorney takes her fee, your share of the settlement generally is much higher than if you represented yourself.
If your lawyer settles your case for $250,000 and takes a third, you'll still be much better off than if you settled your own case for $100,000.
Relieved of the stress of representing yourself, you will be able to relax and focus on healing your body and your mind from your traumatic injuries.
Frank e-mailed me a while back and asked me to take his eye injury case.
Frank was new to the Philadelphia area and didn't know where to find the right lawyer.
He was confused and frightened.
He considered ads in the Yellow Pages, but this just left him more troubled.
Finally, he found the Eye and Brain Injury Legal Information Center.
He e-mailed some questions about his case.
He also expressed his concern that he didn't any lawyers and asked why he should trust any particular with his important legal rights.

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