Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

Melanotan2 Tanning Injections for an Archaic Sun-kissed Look!

With the onset of the sunny summers each year, the sultry, sensuous tanned look becomes the raging trend! To get that perfect tan people resort to tanning lotions that are meant to be applied to the body and then exposed to the sun. Now this process requires prolonged exposure to sun rays which is obviously time consuming and it's not like the sun is exuding those rays consistently throughout the day! In short, these lotions aren't a very convenient option. The easy way to sport that perfectly tanned look is getting the melanotan2 tanning injections.

The melanotan2 injections, popularly known as MT2 injections, trigger the melanin production in the body that is responsible to make the skin dark naturally and gives the perfect tan on little exposure to the sun. The chemical is diluted and initially injected every alternate day till one attains the desired tan. After this the dosage is reduced to once a week. The dilution allows one to have controlled effects of the melanotan allowing the body to get use to it.

The MT2 injections have the following benefits over opting for a regular sun tan:
  • Natural melanin production – This chemical effectively stimulates the body cells to naturally produce melanin that causes skin darkening. This means you no longer have to expose yourself to the harsh sun that also carries the harmful UV rays.
  • Saves time – Unlike the regular sun tan the MT2 does not require you to forsake all other activities to sit in the sun for long hours. Inject yourself with this chemical and your body will gain the tan as per a natural body process.
  • Even tan – The sun bathing required for the usual sun tan may not necessarily render you an even body tan; now that can be really disappointing! But with MT2 injections you are entitled to a sure even tan that is undoubted flawless.
  • Bliss for people allergic to the sun – This injection is a revolutionary option for those who suffer of any form of allergic reaction. Now despite a sensate skin they can have a tan to die for!
  • Protection against UV rays – Cancer causing UV radiation are a major danger with prolonged sun exposure. With the use of MT2 injections darkened skin owing to increased melanin production also renders a protective function against the harmful UV rays.

You too want that in trend tanned look? Wait no more. Consult a professional to make the most of these melanotan2 injections and flaunt that envious sun-kissed look!


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