Home & Garden Personal Safety & Security

How to Exterminate Large Pests

    • 1). Sprinkle one cup of boric acid around the inside of your garbage cans. The boric acid attaches to the skin and fur of the pests. When the pests clean themselves, they ingest the boric acid.

    • 2). Cut plastic milk carton in half using a knife.

    • 3). Use the bottom half of the milk carton.

    • 4). Fill the milk carton with 3 cups of warm water.

    • 5). Pour 4 tbsp. of boric acid and 1 tbsp. of powdered sugar into the milk carton. Mix the solution until the boric acid and powered sugar completely dissolve. Use a plastic spoon to mix the solution.

    • 6). Place the milk carton in an area where large pests are seen. After ingesting the solution, large pests will die within a day or two. This solution is also effective against cockroaches, ants, or any other small animals.

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