Technology Mobile-Cell-Phone

The Success Of Android Tablets

Todays tablet world is full of competition, competition mainly between the brands and operating systems used in these Tablets. But the Android Operating System is keeping its position at the top of all other operating systems. Lets go through the facts that help Android to be number one among tablet operating systems.

Open source-
Android is an open source operating system that is currently owned by Google Inc. As it is open source, anyone can use its source code to create their own applications. That is why most of the tablet manufacturing companies prefer Android as the operating system for their tablet.

The Android Tablet market share is around 90%. All other operating systems together held only 10% of the market share. In the initial days, the operating system that held the major share of the tablet market was iMac. But the entry of the Android Operating System broke this record. These days it is very difficult for any other operating system to beat the trend that Android set.

Large Number of Applications-
As it is an open source operating system, anyone can create their own application on Android and sell it, this creates a wide collection of applications. You can easily obtain the desired application from the market. The Android market and the internet contain a lot of applications in lots of segments.

Comparatively Cheap Price-
When you consider the price of tablets having different operating systems, the Android Tablet offers the lowest price. Since all other operating systems are paid versions, the price goes higher. The Android Operating System is free, so the price stays low.

Performance and Technical Specifications-
If the performance and technical specification of different tablets were measured, Android tablets would stand out, both in the case of performance and easiness to use. Android Tablets outshine other tablets and 4G phones. Even a beginner can navigate through options and explore features with ease. Even after being at the top of the list, Android is never setting back their research. Many new inventions are coming out to keep up the good work. Through this process, it can overcome the faults that may have risen in previous versions. Unlike other operating systems, the newer versions of the Android OS supports live video streaming, Adobe Flash and other function. All these ongoing developments help them to maintain the tablets superior position.

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