Sample Customer Service Cover Letter
Here is a sample customer service letter, along with brief comments below.
Permission is given to adapt and use it for your own company's needs; no reprint rights are necessary.
Dear Mr.
Smith: We regret that you have experienced problems with our product/service, but we do appreciate your bringing it to our attention, so we have the opportunity to serve you even better.
If you require an immediate replacement, repair, or refund, please contact our customer service number at 1-800-555-1234 and we will provide your choice, via Next Day Air, so you are not inconvenienced any further.
In the meantime, if you wish to attempt to fix the problem yourself, you may consult our customer knowledge base online at (insert knowledge base URL here).
While there is currently no easy fix for the other problems you mentioned, we would welcome any suggested solutions you may have to offer.
In the meantime, be assured that we are making changes to our training program for employees, so that in the future, not only will you be less likely to experience the same problems, but our other customers will also benefit by not encountering the same experience.
With each improvement, we hope to reach our goal of total customer satisfaction, and we thank you for doing your part to help us reach this goal.
In any event, I will be following up with you within one week to confirm that all outstanding issues have been resolved to your satisfaction.
If I can help you before then, please do not hesitate to call at the above-listed customer service number.
Thank you again for being a valued XYZ Corp.
Sincerely Yours, Customer Service Representative The above is a sample customer service letter.
Most elements of it are fairly self-explanatory.
The first paragraph deals entirely with a product issue.
The second paragraph is for service problems.
One special note should be made in the second sentence in the second paragraph: By emphasizing that the customer's unresolved problem will be included in future training (to prevent recurrences), the customer can infer that they will also be saved from experiencing problems other customers have had.
This subtly communicates that the problem will be a one-time event, and that the company is truly committed to customer satisfaction.
The follow-up paragraph should be helpful for all businesses, to make sure that problems are actually fixed before customers defect or otherwise are dissatisfied with the company's handling of the problem.
Since the customer service representative takes ownership of fixing the problem, there should be no problems which fall through the cracks, or otherwise are overlooked by having multiple people responsible.
Permission is given to adapt and use it for your own company's needs; no reprint rights are necessary.
Dear Mr.
Smith: We regret that you have experienced problems with our product/service, but we do appreciate your bringing it to our attention, so we have the opportunity to serve you even better.
If you require an immediate replacement, repair, or refund, please contact our customer service number at 1-800-555-1234 and we will provide your choice, via Next Day Air, so you are not inconvenienced any further.
In the meantime, if you wish to attempt to fix the problem yourself, you may consult our customer knowledge base online at (insert knowledge base URL here).
While there is currently no easy fix for the other problems you mentioned, we would welcome any suggested solutions you may have to offer.
In the meantime, be assured that we are making changes to our training program for employees, so that in the future, not only will you be less likely to experience the same problems, but our other customers will also benefit by not encountering the same experience.
With each improvement, we hope to reach our goal of total customer satisfaction, and we thank you for doing your part to help us reach this goal.
In any event, I will be following up with you within one week to confirm that all outstanding issues have been resolved to your satisfaction.
If I can help you before then, please do not hesitate to call at the above-listed customer service number.
Thank you again for being a valued XYZ Corp.
Sincerely Yours, Customer Service Representative The above is a sample customer service letter.
Most elements of it are fairly self-explanatory.
The first paragraph deals entirely with a product issue.
The second paragraph is for service problems.
One special note should be made in the second sentence in the second paragraph: By emphasizing that the customer's unresolved problem will be included in future training (to prevent recurrences), the customer can infer that they will also be saved from experiencing problems other customers have had.
This subtly communicates that the problem will be a one-time event, and that the company is truly committed to customer satisfaction.
The follow-up paragraph should be helpful for all businesses, to make sure that problems are actually fixed before customers defect or otherwise are dissatisfied with the company's handling of the problem.
Since the customer service representative takes ownership of fixing the problem, there should be no problems which fall through the cracks, or otherwise are overlooked by having multiple people responsible.