The Best Way To Save On Car Insurance
There are probably thousands, if not millions, of websites and articles available on the Internet that supposedly tell you how to save money on car insurance.
On the whole, these articles are very useful although they usually contain very similar advice.
However, they rarely focus on the absolute best way to save money on your car insurance.
Getting the absolute lowest car insurance rate is actually very easy.
All you have to do is be a good a driver.
No tricks about the make or color of your car, gender, age or anything else that other sites warn you could cost you more.
The fact is that being a good driver will result in much lower premiums than any other method designed to save you money.
There is more to being a good driver though than not getting into accidents.
You have to obey all traffic laws.
For example, if you constantly drive over the speed limit eventually you will probably get caught.
And guess what speeding tickets are not going to help you get lower insurance.
However, things such as parking tickets usually don't count against you.
You should not want to get them because they are expensive in their own right.
Any moving violation though will count against you, so you should obviously try to avoid them.
This means paying more attention to road and speed limit signs and always making sure you indicate what you are going to do.
As an added way to improve your driving skills you might want to take a driving course.
Some insurance companies will even lower your insurance after you take one, although the discount is usually much larger for younger rather than older drivers.
Still, it can be worth it just to give your driving skills a bit of a tune up.
For older drivers the more important thing will be your driving record.
Young drivers don't have one yet so insurance companies make them pay more until they know who is higher risk and who is lower risk.
Thus, at around age 25 most younger drivers see their rates go down if they have been good drivers.
You want to keep driving well after age 25 though to keep you rates going down.
Moreover, if you do have violations on your record they will be discounted to certain extent by time.
For example, a speeding ticket you got 20 years ago won't hurt you as much as one you got last year.
So even, people without a great driving history still have an incentive to improve.
So to recap the absolute best way to save money on your car insurance is to be a good driver.
This means staying out of accidents (at least ones that are your fault) and obeying all the traffic laws.
If you do these two things I guarantee that over time you will pay less for your car insurance than you would otherwise.
Remember, just because you have to pay for car insurance doesn't mean you have to pay more for car insurance.
Happy driving and good luck saving some of your hard earned money.
On the whole, these articles are very useful although they usually contain very similar advice.
However, they rarely focus on the absolute best way to save money on your car insurance.
Getting the absolute lowest car insurance rate is actually very easy.
All you have to do is be a good a driver.
No tricks about the make or color of your car, gender, age or anything else that other sites warn you could cost you more.
The fact is that being a good driver will result in much lower premiums than any other method designed to save you money.
There is more to being a good driver though than not getting into accidents.
You have to obey all traffic laws.
For example, if you constantly drive over the speed limit eventually you will probably get caught.
And guess what speeding tickets are not going to help you get lower insurance.
However, things such as parking tickets usually don't count against you.
You should not want to get them because they are expensive in their own right.
Any moving violation though will count against you, so you should obviously try to avoid them.
This means paying more attention to road and speed limit signs and always making sure you indicate what you are going to do.
As an added way to improve your driving skills you might want to take a driving course.
Some insurance companies will even lower your insurance after you take one, although the discount is usually much larger for younger rather than older drivers.
Still, it can be worth it just to give your driving skills a bit of a tune up.
For older drivers the more important thing will be your driving record.
Young drivers don't have one yet so insurance companies make them pay more until they know who is higher risk and who is lower risk.
Thus, at around age 25 most younger drivers see their rates go down if they have been good drivers.
You want to keep driving well after age 25 though to keep you rates going down.
Moreover, if you do have violations on your record they will be discounted to certain extent by time.
For example, a speeding ticket you got 20 years ago won't hurt you as much as one you got last year.
So even, people without a great driving history still have an incentive to improve.
So to recap the absolute best way to save money on your car insurance is to be a good driver.
This means staying out of accidents (at least ones that are your fault) and obeying all the traffic laws.
If you do these two things I guarantee that over time you will pay less for your car insurance than you would otherwise.
Remember, just because you have to pay for car insurance doesn't mean you have to pay more for car insurance.
Happy driving and good luck saving some of your hard earned money.