DADT Repeal Consequence: Now Pvt. Benjamin Can Make Love to Mr. Ed!
Yet another installment from the You Can't Make This Stuff Up Department: Sgt. Bilko may soon marry Pvt. Gomer Pyle and they may have a threesome with Arnold, the €Green Acres€ pig or with Mr. Ed!
The Internet is notorious for publishing and publicizing lies, innuendo, fabrications, in a word, trash, okay, two words, trash and crap. It's therefore incumbent on a serious blogger to verify outrageous stories before commenting on them and spreading the news.
One such story demanded more verification than usual since it involved an allegation that was so far beyond the pale of belief it bordered on the absurdly incomprehensible. As it turns out, very regrettably, the report is no longer an allegation but fact: The United States Senate has voted to approve the practice of bestiality in the military.
That is not a misprint.
Should the House of Representatives concur with the Senate and President Barack Hussein Obama sign the bill, men and women in Amrica's armed forces will be free to engage in sexual relations with dogs, cats, chickens, horses, or with any other animal without fear of retribution under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
The repercussions of the repeal of the Don't Ask, Don't Tell law governing homosexual conduct in the military advocated by the president and endorsed by liberals everywhere have now come home to roost.
Before critics of that contention protest it as an unfair attack on gays, consider the timeline of the proposed legislation:
. Last year during the debate on the repeal of DADT, those who opposed changing the Clinton-era law charged that officially condoning gay conduct in the military would lead to acceptance of virtually every sexual perversion. Nevertheless, lame duck Democrats succeeded in repealing DADT despite those warnings and despite strong objections from the Marines, especially.
. Over the course of the year, most military commanders either tempered or withdrew their objections, cynics saying they had retreated under fire from the LGBT lobby and in fear of losing favor among their civilian bosses.
. On November 15th, the Senate Armed Services Committee unanimously agreed to approve S. 1867, which includes the provision to repeal Article 125 of the UCMJ. Article 125 made it illegal to engage in both sodomy with humans and sex with animals.
. On December 1st, the full Senate voted 93-7 to effectively permit soldiers and sailors to sodomize one another as much, as often, whenever, wherever they please and, if they were so inclined, to have sex with every animal they could lay their hands and other bodily parts on. Consensuality wasn't addressed in the bill.
After all, if copulating with your same-sex buddy or buddess is acceptable, what could possibly be wrong in bedding your pet lizard, with or without its consent?
(See and et al. for details. Don't bother to look for details in the mainstream media. They won't have any.)
Those who refuse to believe that ninety-three United States senators, Democrats AND Republicans, would consent to allowing degeneracy in our military, who would vote for granting permission for grossly aberrant behavior among the people sworn to protect and defend our country, who would link arms with sick individuals obsessed with their rights with no respect for societal rights and expectations are referred to the sources for this unsettling story.
Read them and weep for our military. Read them and weep for our country. Read them and weep for Arnold and Mr. Ed.
The Internet is notorious for publishing and publicizing lies, innuendo, fabrications, in a word, trash, okay, two words, trash and crap. It's therefore incumbent on a serious blogger to verify outrageous stories before commenting on them and spreading the news.
One such story demanded more verification than usual since it involved an allegation that was so far beyond the pale of belief it bordered on the absurdly incomprehensible. As it turns out, very regrettably, the report is no longer an allegation but fact: The United States Senate has voted to approve the practice of bestiality in the military.
That is not a misprint.
Should the House of Representatives concur with the Senate and President Barack Hussein Obama sign the bill, men and women in Amrica's armed forces will be free to engage in sexual relations with dogs, cats, chickens, horses, or with any other animal without fear of retribution under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
The repercussions of the repeal of the Don't Ask, Don't Tell law governing homosexual conduct in the military advocated by the president and endorsed by liberals everywhere have now come home to roost.
Before critics of that contention protest it as an unfair attack on gays, consider the timeline of the proposed legislation:
. Last year during the debate on the repeal of DADT, those who opposed changing the Clinton-era law charged that officially condoning gay conduct in the military would lead to acceptance of virtually every sexual perversion. Nevertheless, lame duck Democrats succeeded in repealing DADT despite those warnings and despite strong objections from the Marines, especially.
. Over the course of the year, most military commanders either tempered or withdrew their objections, cynics saying they had retreated under fire from the LGBT lobby and in fear of losing favor among their civilian bosses.
. On November 15th, the Senate Armed Services Committee unanimously agreed to approve S. 1867, which includes the provision to repeal Article 125 of the UCMJ. Article 125 made it illegal to engage in both sodomy with humans and sex with animals.
. On December 1st, the full Senate voted 93-7 to effectively permit soldiers and sailors to sodomize one another as much, as often, whenever, wherever they please and, if they were so inclined, to have sex with every animal they could lay their hands and other bodily parts on. Consensuality wasn't addressed in the bill.
After all, if copulating with your same-sex buddy or buddess is acceptable, what could possibly be wrong in bedding your pet lizard, with or without its consent?
(See and et al. for details. Don't bother to look for details in the mainstream media. They won't have any.)
Those who refuse to believe that ninety-three United States senators, Democrats AND Republicans, would consent to allowing degeneracy in our military, who would vote for granting permission for grossly aberrant behavior among the people sworn to protect and defend our country, who would link arms with sick individuals obsessed with their rights with no respect for societal rights and expectations are referred to the sources for this unsettling story.
Read them and weep for our military. Read them and weep for our country. Read them and weep for Arnold and Mr. Ed.