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Equine Surgery: Providing The Safest Equine Surgical Procedures

If you think your horse may need an equine surgeon you should know that Dr. Liberty Getman, DVM a board certified equine surgeon with the Tennessee Equine Hospital is capable of providing you all the information that you need about equine surgical procedures.The facilities available at the Tennessee Equine Hospital are excellent state of the art surgical suites and the knowledgeable veterinary staff can assist you in accurately understanding the different types of equine surgical procedures they perform. The following are among major horse injuries that often require surgical intervention:

1.Accidental Injury - Different types of accidental horse injuries can range from deep cuts on the horse's skin, full thickness cuts that extend down to the horse's bones, fractures cuts and punctures that enter into the horse's tendon sheaths and joint space and foreign penetrations on a horse's body.All of these injuries can be treated successfully with the right type of equine surgical care. Upon putting the horse under general anesthetic the equine surgeon and staff can position the horse correctly while also ensuring that the horse is secured from movements and sensations that may negatively affect the results of the procedure.

2.Colic - This is a condition, which can affect even the healthiest of horses and one good article on this was listed by Tennessee Equine Hospital veterinarian Dr. Matthew DeLisle in the Arabian Horse Journal and can be read here.The major signs of this condition include depressed mentation, kicking at abdomen, rolling, lying down and pawing, loss of appetite, constant looking at the abdomen, constantly stretching out as if the horse is trying to urinate and sucked up or bloated appearance of the abdomen.If these symptoms are experienced by a horse, then there is a great chance that the horse is suffering from colic.

The right equine surgical procedure for this case involves putting the horse under anesthetic first and using equipment that accurately checks his blood pressure, ECG and oxygenation. The abdomen of the horse is then prepared for the procedure by sterilizing and clipping it.An experienced equine surgeon will have to explore the contents of the horse's abdomen by feeling them.Various lengths of intestines must be pulled out to fully examine them in order to detect the problem.The colic is corrected by removing the unhealthy intestines and joining the healthy ends together.Then the equine surgeon will close the horse's abdomen and allow it to heal and the horse to recover.

3.Tumor.Just like humans, horses are also at risk of suffering from cancer.Cancer in horses can be treated with the right equine surgical procedure.This type of equine surgical procedure can be a bit complex.These require the highest level of knowledge, skills and expertise to make sure that every step is safely and accurately executed.With the help of the facilities of Tennessee Equine Hospital, you can be assured your horse is in capable hands.

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