Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

3 Foods That Can Help Clear Up Bad Bacteria

Bacteria are a large group of single-celled micro-organisms.
They come in different shapes and grow in different places such as soil, waste matter, water and also in living bodies such as plant and animals.
There are many bacteria cells in the human body.
The microorganisms live on the skin surface and in its deep layers.
They also live in the saliva and the oral mucosa.
You will also find them on the clear mucus membrane of the eyes and in the intestinal tracts.
The micro-organisms in the human body include bacteria and fungi.
Some of these organisms perform tasks that are useful to the human body.
However, others are harmful though, a majority of these are rendered harmless by the protective immune system.
Some bacteria are pathogenic (cause bacteria infection) and they cause infectious diseases like cholera, syphilis, leprosy among others.
The most common and fatal bacterial diseases are respiratory infections and tuberculosis.
Other bacteria spoil your water and food, making it unsafe for consumption.
There are various foods that help clear up bad bacteria.
Some of these foods contain natural antibiotics while others contain natural antiseptics, protecting the body against fatal diseases.
Vegetables play an important role in protection of the body against bacterial infections.
Cabbages have minerals and alkaline salts that protect the body against stomach ulcers, jaundice and bladder infections.
Carrots are great blood cleansers.
In particular, Carrot juice is useful in treating respiratory infections, thread worm in children, ulcers, cancer.
Wasabi, found in Japan helps in control of tooth decay and prevents food poisoning.
It is served as salad along with Sushi.
It can be grated and sprinkled on top of the salad.
Spices also help in control of bad bacteria.
These are cloves, tumeric, cumin, ginger and garlic.
Garlic is considered therapeutic and medicinal for its antiseptic properties.
It kills germs in the lungs and in the bronchial tract.
It also kills bacteria when one suffers from dysentery.
Onions help with their antiseptic action by preventing various infections such as cholera.
Tumeric can be used as an antiseptic that cures ulcers, skin and throat infections, and colds.
Cumin and Coriander or Dhania help eliminate hookworm and other infections.
Fresh fruits also fight bad bacteria.
Lemons are known for their antibiotics and antibacterial nature, they help reduce cholesterol in the body and fight flu.
Limes, on the other hand help in the cure for tonsillitis and bladder infections.
Honey, used as an ingredient in cough syrups helps in reduction of the irritation that comes along with chest problems.
It is also used to clear common colds when taken in lime water and in soothing ulcers.
Water keeps your gum hydrated, it also washes food particles stuck in the teeth which causes bad breath.
Cheese, on the other hand helps build the teeth enamel and protects it from decay.

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