Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

Treatment for Tetralogy of Fallot in Delhi

Tetralogy of Fallot: An Overview

Tetralogy of Fallot is a serious defect achieved by the combination of four heart issues that is caused during child birth. These defects,which impact the structure of the heart, cause oxygen-poor blood to stream out of the heart and into different parts of the body. Children and newborns with tetralogy of Fallot usually have blue-shaded skin since their blood doesn't pass on enough oxygen.

Child Heart Treatment,Delhi is popular for its Interventional Cardiology in Delhi. Here top quality treatment for Tetralogy of Fallot is given. This center is well known for its Pediatric Cardiology India.

Tetralogy of Fallot joins four primary heart disorders. They are:

Vast gap in the heart which is known as Ventricular Septal Defect.
Thick right ventricle valve,which impacts the pumping.
Large size of aorta.
Pulmonary Artery which is narrowed,this condition is known as Pulmonary Stenosis.

Signs and Symptoms of Tetralogy of Fallot:

The Signs and Symptoms of Tetralogy of Fallot will fluctuate as per the degree of the blood stream hindrance from the right ventricle into the lungs.

Symptoms may include:

Changing of the skin shade into blue because of the flow of blood with low oxygen content which is known as cyanosis.
While feeding there occurs breathing shortness or may breath quickly.
Losing of Consciousness or Fainting.
Clubbing of fingers and toes -- an abnormal, round state of the nail cot.
Poor weight gain.
Effortlessly tiring while playing.
Weeping for a long.
Heart murmuring.

Reasons for Tetralogy of Fallot:

The main reasons for this disorder is unknown, But a few factors in the mother may prompt the infant to conceived with this deformity. They are -

Due to the infection of a viral disease like rubella in the mother during pregnancy.
Due to the alcoholism prevailed in the mother.
Absence of nourishment.
The overage of mother. ie,mother matured more than 40.
Inherited from the guardian having tetralogy of fallot.
This can likewise brought about in infants conceived with down syndrome.


Tetralogy of Fallot can be primarily diagnosed by using the "Chest X-ray" because the infants with these disorder will have a boot shaped heart which can be seen through a chest x-ray.

In a child with this disorder the count of red blood cells will be comparatively high. So by using a "Blood Test" for getting the complete blood count can also diagnose this defect.

By finding out the Oxygen level measurement in the blood by using "Pulse Oximetry".

By getting the image of the heart by using "Echocardiography".

By recording the activity of the heart by the method "Electrocardiogram" and thus checking whether the baby's right ventricle is enlarged and the heart rhythm is regular.

By inserting the catheter tube into the heart and injecting a dye to clearly see the structure of the heart. This method is termed as "Cardiac Catheterization".

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