Technology Electronics

Free Apple IPad 2 - Become a Product Tester

Everyone wants an iPad 2 these days but getting one isn't always easy due to the expense involved. One of the ways to obtain a free iPad is to become a tester for Apple. This is a little secret that many people don't know about, but there are a select few promotional sites that believe it or not will give you a free iPad 2 wi-fi version just for your feedback on the tablet. Pretty Incredible, I know.

Promotional companies now get paid serious amounts of cash to obtain reviews for market research that is funded by the manufacturer. Now there is a small matter that involves taking a survey, but it won't take up much of your precious time. There is evidence all over the Internet and is a proven way to get free stuff not just electronics but all kinds of products. The method was shown on various news networks including BCC, CNN and Fox.

Getting your free iPad 2 - Golden rules when completing.

  • You must enter your legitimate information when signing up!

  • You will asked to refer others and when you do you have to use a different computer to get them to complete. Also, you cannot get them to sign up from the same public network, so that rules out your workplace, school, college, house, and the library. They must sign up from their own home

  • Do not sign up for fake emails to refer yourself. No proxies at all. Do not sign up for the same site twice.

  • You cannot complete the offers more than once; you can only do an offer once!

  • Your referrals cannot log in at your home computer.

  • Do not tell people to do the same offers as you or else it would look suspicious.

  • Do not cancel the trial offers immediately, try them out!

  • So do not try to cheat the system because they will know! Read their Terms of Service so you can know what not to do and this will help you get your free iPad 2.

The iPad 2 will be replaced by the newer model iPad 3 and when released research companies will start the process all over again in their quest to provide your feedback to Apple. Now if any of you have had the pleasure of owning the first iPad, I can tell you that the improvement is phenomenal down to the addition of the A5 processor. The new model is also significantly thinner and lighter.

Consumers have a general consensus that most of these companies are scams, well I can tell you from first hand experience that you can get a free Apple iPad 2 and possibly the iPad 3 when its released. You can check if any are still available in your area by entering your zip code.
Best of luck and I hope you enjoy your free IPad 2.

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