Technology Networking & Internet

How to Put Graphic Buttons on a Web Page

    How to Put Graphic Buttons on a Web Page

    • 1). Open a graphics program like Microsoft Publisher to a blank page to create your button. Simply draw a rectangle using the basic shapes button, choose one with rounded corners for a more appealing button.

    • 2). Open up the text box feature and type in the words you want on your button, then center this on the rectangle. Fill in the rectangle with the color of your choice, and add a border, shading, or fill effects using Publisher functions in the tool bar.

    • 3). Save the button as a JPG image and give it a name, button1.jpg. Then store it in your images file, on your web server. Be sure the button is sized properly, by checking the pixel size in the properties box (right click on the image while it is in the folder to bring this up).

    • 4). Open up your web page in notepad or another HTML text editor program and locate where you want the button to appear on the page.

    • 5). Type in <img src="../images/button1.jpg">. Your button will now appear on this page, when uploaded to your web server.

    • 6). Type the hyperlink to where you want your visitor to go when they click this button, just like linking to another page: <a href="/links/?"><img src="../images/button1.jpg"></a>

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