High Levels of Cholesterol
Cholesterol is a polycyclic alcohol that bind fatty acids, making it a fat that is found in almost all foods of animal origin. He is transported through the blood in molecular associations with proteins (lipoproteins).
The total amount of cholesterol in the body is approximately 145 gr.
Most are found in cell membranes, where it acts as a stabilizing agent. About a third is found in the membranes of the nervous system - the brain, spinal cord. The remaining part in the formation of bile acids, produced sex hormones and helps form vitamin D.
The body makes his own cholesterol necessary and does not require any dietary intake of this kind. If eaten foods contain too much fat begins to deposit cholesterol on blood vessels, leading to narrowing of the arteries. Finally you can get up to angina pectoris or myocardial infarction.
High cholesterol than normal is a major risk factor announcing sometimes years before the development of cardiovascular disease and stroke. Cholesterol is deposited on the inside walls of blood vessels forming plaque and narrows the vessel, thereby decreasing blood flow in the territory irrigated by that vessel. So do not get enough oxygen to the tissues, a phenomenon known as ischemia. This happens especially oxygen-consuming tissues such as brain and heart. Therefore, high cholesterol is a risk factor for stroke, especially for ischemic heart disease, but also for many other ailments.
The optimum level of low density lipoprotein is 160 mg / dl for a young adult. It is good that these lipoproteins are found in quantities as small.
The optimum level of high-density lipoprotein is 45 mg / dl for men and about 55 mg / dl for women. It is good that these lipoproteins to find in larger quantity.
What affects cholesterol
In reality, things are slightly more complicated, because there is a "good cholesterol" (called HDL-cholesterol) and a "bad cholesterol" (called LDL-cholesterol). The risk of plaque depends mainly on the ratio of good cholesterol to bad.
Why increase cholesterol? There are two main causes: an inherited predisposition and unhealthy diets. Very often the two things coexist, that not only are inherited predisposition, but are inherited and poor diet, which have serious consequences especially in the modern era, characterized rather sedentary, although they say "speed". To those who tell me "Grandma eating a chunk of bacon every morning and lived 90 years," I remind them that grandma that after this breakfast went back to the truck in the field, do not drive to the office.
It must be said that no plant food has little to no cholesterol. Therefore, the cholesterol increase the risk of vegetarians is negligible. Cholesterol find only in foods of animal origin and mainly in the following three: fatty meats, egg yolks and cream. Those who already know prone or high cholesterol would do well to eliminate these products from your diet. olesterolul food comes exclusively from animal products yolk egg-milk products, meat, lard and bacon.
Cholesterol depends on energy balance, reflected by body weight, age, physical activity level of the hormone estrogen (women). Sustained physical activity consume fatty acids and prevents their accumulation in the liver.
Cholesterol is becoming increasingly dangerous as we get older. This is not necessarily dependent on body weight that we take, even in people fat metabolism is altered and therefore the risk is greater.
In postmenopausal women increases the amount of cholesterol due to lack of the hormone estrogen.
Very much (about 50% of cases) counts and genetics.
Maintaining a strict diet. It is recommended by doctors and mainly consists of foods that contain cholesterol reduction. Aste comes primarily animal products.
Two more plants used as spices are able to significantly decrease cholesterol: garlic and thyme. Among fruits, mostly apples have this property (an English proverb says: "An apple a day Keeps the doctor away".) If the system alone for a period of three months is not enough to keep under control the Cholesterol is required presentation to the doctor for a checkup. Of natural methods, it is most successful herbal medicine in this regard.
An unexpected problem complicated is the notion of "normal cholesterol". According to the classical conception, the maximum limit of blood cholesterol is 280 mg / 100 ml, noting that between values €‹€‹of 260 and 280 is "attention span" even if we can not yet speak of hypercholesterolemia, the person would do well to keep a healthy diet and repeat dosing every 6 months. In recent years, due to the pressure of drug companies (selling cholesterol-lowering drugs, usually expensive and with many side effects) has got to go down the cholesterol considered normal, so that a greater number of people to be invited to buy these pills.
Perhaps the most important food that lowers the risk of plaque, more important even than the vegetarian diet is fish. In Romania they eat far too little in the face of how it should and to other countries with which we always do comparison. Nothing is more important than eating fish regularly (at least 2 pounds per week) to maintain proper cholesterol values. This is because fish contains "good cholesterol", which opposes assimilation "bad cholesterol." So we have the paradox in terms of cholesterol fish: The more fat (catfish, salmon, etc.) the more healthy. I rarely meet people that really not like fish. Usually, the main objection is related to the large amount of labor needed to prepare. I advise my patients that every time out at a restaurant, start menu under "seafood."
Recommended Foods:
- Foods low in saturated fat: vegetable oils, fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy products low in fat.
- Foods with unsaturated fats: olive oil, soya oil and sunflower oil.
- The low-cholesterol foods: any food of plant origin.
Foods recommended:
- Red meat, organ meat, eggs, mayonnaise, cream, refined sweets.
- Foods with high content of saturated fats: butter, fat, cream, sour cream, bacon
Support of regular physical activity, but not one that leads to physical exhaustion. Might make every day a half hour walk.
Weight reduction when high cholesterol is accompanied by a heavier than normal. It can be achieved by exercise and by eating low calorie.
Controlling for other factors that increase cardiovascular risk, such as smoking.
The total amount of cholesterol in the body is approximately 145 gr.
Most are found in cell membranes, where it acts as a stabilizing agent. About a third is found in the membranes of the nervous system - the brain, spinal cord. The remaining part in the formation of bile acids, produced sex hormones and helps form vitamin D.
The body makes his own cholesterol necessary and does not require any dietary intake of this kind. If eaten foods contain too much fat begins to deposit cholesterol on blood vessels, leading to narrowing of the arteries. Finally you can get up to angina pectoris or myocardial infarction.
High cholesterol than normal is a major risk factor announcing sometimes years before the development of cardiovascular disease and stroke. Cholesterol is deposited on the inside walls of blood vessels forming plaque and narrows the vessel, thereby decreasing blood flow in the territory irrigated by that vessel. So do not get enough oxygen to the tissues, a phenomenon known as ischemia. This happens especially oxygen-consuming tissues such as brain and heart. Therefore, high cholesterol is a risk factor for stroke, especially for ischemic heart disease, but also for many other ailments.
The optimum level of low density lipoprotein is 160 mg / dl for a young adult. It is good that these lipoproteins are found in quantities as small.
The optimum level of high-density lipoprotein is 45 mg / dl for men and about 55 mg / dl for women. It is good that these lipoproteins to find in larger quantity.
What affects cholesterol
In reality, things are slightly more complicated, because there is a "good cholesterol" (called HDL-cholesterol) and a "bad cholesterol" (called LDL-cholesterol). The risk of plaque depends mainly on the ratio of good cholesterol to bad.
Why increase cholesterol? There are two main causes: an inherited predisposition and unhealthy diets. Very often the two things coexist, that not only are inherited predisposition, but are inherited and poor diet, which have serious consequences especially in the modern era, characterized rather sedentary, although they say "speed". To those who tell me "Grandma eating a chunk of bacon every morning and lived 90 years," I remind them that grandma that after this breakfast went back to the truck in the field, do not drive to the office.
It must be said that no plant food has little to no cholesterol. Therefore, the cholesterol increase the risk of vegetarians is negligible. Cholesterol find only in foods of animal origin and mainly in the following three: fatty meats, egg yolks and cream. Those who already know prone or high cholesterol would do well to eliminate these products from your diet. olesterolul food comes exclusively from animal products yolk egg-milk products, meat, lard and bacon.
Cholesterol depends on energy balance, reflected by body weight, age, physical activity level of the hormone estrogen (women). Sustained physical activity consume fatty acids and prevents their accumulation in the liver.
Cholesterol is becoming increasingly dangerous as we get older. This is not necessarily dependent on body weight that we take, even in people fat metabolism is altered and therefore the risk is greater.
In postmenopausal women increases the amount of cholesterol due to lack of the hormone estrogen.
Very much (about 50% of cases) counts and genetics.
Maintaining a strict diet. It is recommended by doctors and mainly consists of foods that contain cholesterol reduction. Aste comes primarily animal products.
Two more plants used as spices are able to significantly decrease cholesterol: garlic and thyme. Among fruits, mostly apples have this property (an English proverb says: "An apple a day Keeps the doctor away".) If the system alone for a period of three months is not enough to keep under control the Cholesterol is required presentation to the doctor for a checkup. Of natural methods, it is most successful herbal medicine in this regard.
An unexpected problem complicated is the notion of "normal cholesterol". According to the classical conception, the maximum limit of blood cholesterol is 280 mg / 100 ml, noting that between values €‹€‹of 260 and 280 is "attention span" even if we can not yet speak of hypercholesterolemia, the person would do well to keep a healthy diet and repeat dosing every 6 months. In recent years, due to the pressure of drug companies (selling cholesterol-lowering drugs, usually expensive and with many side effects) has got to go down the cholesterol considered normal, so that a greater number of people to be invited to buy these pills.
Perhaps the most important food that lowers the risk of plaque, more important even than the vegetarian diet is fish. In Romania they eat far too little in the face of how it should and to other countries with which we always do comparison. Nothing is more important than eating fish regularly (at least 2 pounds per week) to maintain proper cholesterol values. This is because fish contains "good cholesterol", which opposes assimilation "bad cholesterol." So we have the paradox in terms of cholesterol fish: The more fat (catfish, salmon, etc.) the more healthy. I rarely meet people that really not like fish. Usually, the main objection is related to the large amount of labor needed to prepare. I advise my patients that every time out at a restaurant, start menu under "seafood."
Recommended Foods:
- Foods low in saturated fat: vegetable oils, fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy products low in fat.
- Foods with unsaturated fats: olive oil, soya oil and sunflower oil.
- The low-cholesterol foods: any food of plant origin.
Foods recommended:
- Red meat, organ meat, eggs, mayonnaise, cream, refined sweets.
- Foods with high content of saturated fats: butter, fat, cream, sour cream, bacon
Support of regular physical activity, but not one that leads to physical exhaustion. Might make every day a half hour walk.
Weight reduction when high cholesterol is accompanied by a heavier than normal. It can be achieved by exercise and by eating low calorie.
Controlling for other factors that increase cardiovascular risk, such as smoking.