How to Get Slowpoke After a Trade With King's Rock in "SoulSilver"
- 1). Travel to any of the following locations: Slowpoke Well inside Azalea Town, Tohjo Falls east of New Bark Town or the Safari Zone west of Cianwood City. Slowpoke can be found at any of these locations.
- 2). Surf or fish in the water at any of these locations. Pokemon challenge you to battle at random times while surfing or fishing. Eventually, one of the pokemon that challenges you is Slowpoke. Depending on the location, Slowpoke ranges from level 5 to 25.
- 3). Battle Slowpoke using something other than a grass- or electric-type pokemon; these pokemon may cause too much damage and defeat Slowpoke before you have a chance to capture it.
- 4). Attack Slowpoke until his health bar, located in the upper right corner of the screen, is red; a red health bar means Slowpoke has low health and capturing him is easier.
- 5). Use status-changing moves against Slowpoke that paralyze him or cause him to sleep. Ideal moves are Thunderwave, Sleep Powder and Stun Spore. These moves also make it easier to catch Slowpoke.
- 6). Use your strongest Pokeballs to catch Slowpoke, such as Ultra Balls. When your hear a click and the Pokeball stops moving, Slowpoke has been captured.