Health & Medical Nutrition

Honey: Facts, Properties and Benefits

Honey is known to have a number of benefits to human. It is tasty as well as having great properties. It is being used for thousands of year for skin care. It helps in weight loss too. It has properties which fight cancer. Honey is rich in vitamins which our body needs to boost the immune system. It is a natural healer to wounds. Let's discuss its golden benefits little by little.

Building Immunity System:

Honey has anti bacterial properties as well as plenty of antioxidants. Such a quality of honey improves digestive system and helps you stay healthy. Diet experts suggest mixing a tablespoon of honey and a lemon into cup of warm water and drinking it on empty stomach. This will build strong immune system and help you in weight loss. It makes you effectively fight various diseases, infections like cough or cold.

Energy booster:

Honey a natural source of carbohydrates provides with strength and energy to the body. It helps reduce muscle fatigue of sportspersons. It is a natural sugar. Our body absorbs the glucose in honey very quickly and gives long lasting energy to body. Honey keeps levels of sugar in blood uniform. Also when you feel lazy in the morning, do not go for energy drink, which contains high levels of sugar, but honey. That is why sugar in milk or tea can be replaced by honey for constant blood sugar.

Anti- Cancer qualities of honey:

Honey possesses anti tumor properties. It can cure cancer. There is a book named Honey Revolution by Dr Ron Fessenden. In this book, researchers say that honey contains floral flavonoids in it. And these flavonoids work as antioxidants. Oxidants are scavenged out and it averts the annihilation to collagen in the body.

Healer to cuts and burns:

Honey can treat to a broad range of illnesses like infection, sore throat, cuts and burns. It has antiseptic properties which help to stop the growth of bacteria. Honey is antibiotic as well as an anti-inflammatory agent thereby helps to reduce pain and swelling. Professional singers use to take it right before their performance to sooth their throat. It helps to cure sleeplessness too. Take a cup of hot milk mixed with a tablespoon of honey to get a good night sleep.

Honey and pregnancy:

There use to occur burning sensation in pregnancy. Expecting mothers may feel many a time the burning sensation in throat and chest. But there is a way to avoid it. It is milk with honey. It neutralizes the stomach acid and gives you relief.


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