Business & Finance Renting & Real Estate

Real Estate In Illinois, Usa

The state of Illinois is an industrialized and also a predominantly agricultural state. The state has rich deposit of minerals like Coal, Timber, Petroleum etc. With all these multi facial economy the state also tops in real estate market. Every year, large number of real estate transactions takes place in the city of Illinois.

During the recent recession, there was a decline in the credit rating and as a result foreclosure clauses were applied for many properties. Many properties were put on sale under the foreclosure clause. However with recovery of economy the real estate market has registered notable increase in buying and selling.

Estimated value of properties in Illinois:

According to experts the federal Tax credit policy has toned up the real estate market in Illinois. Reduction of long term home loan interest rate is yet another factor which has helped the real estate to recover in the state. Market rate quoted for properties in Illinois varies from $65000 to $370000 depending on the location of the properties, floor space and other facilities available. Buyers are making every effort to take advantage of reduction in interest rate for long term home loans. Interestingly the rentals of commercial properties have increased to a notable extent in the state of Illinois. While rentals of residential properties in apartments vary from $600 to $1020, the rentals of commercial properties varies from $6 to $ 10 per square feet. Experts attribute this to the recovery of economy from the recession phase.

Effect of foreclosure procedure:

Some experts are of the opinion that till recently long term housing loans have been processed liberally. The decrease in interest rate for this sector has encouraged many individuals to seek fresh loan and as a result it had a serious effect on their repayment capacity. In such cases foreclosure laws have been applied and many such properties are put on sale by the government. Of course, experts have advocated for arresting this trend. The federal government has now come to the rescue of such people and to reduce the effect of foreclosure laws.

Advice for buyers and sellers:

Buyers are advised to take the help of reputed realtors and real estate attorneys and financial advisers so that they get the right advice about the property managementt and about his repayment capacity etc. Sellers are advised not to rush through the transaction and take a cautious move in regard to sale price, commission to be paid to the real estate agents etc.

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