Home & Garden Personal Safety & Security

Beware of Lock Bumping

Unfortunately for many people, lock bumping happens to be quite common and does happen even to them.
It is the practice of breaking into a home without breaking doors in any way.
A person skilled at lock bumping need only use the special key to be able to unlock a locked door.
In case you think this is some modern technology, lock bumping happens to have been invented in Denmark back in the 1970s, so it has been practiced by burglars with great success for decades now.
The experts always need a lock bumping key to be able to penetrate your home.
To create these keys, the burglar will rely on a key blank or even a regular key that fits that type of lock (called the "victim lock") to enter your home or office with ease.
This key will be moved to the lowest part of every independent groove of your victim lock.
There will be minor elevations created then between various grooves which should not be too steep (lest the key fail to enter the victim lock or be withdrawn.
) The burglar now has to raze down the shoulder and tip of his lock bumping key by an estimated 1 millimeter.
The key's shoulder needs to be filed by a millimeter too.
Once the key has been made, lock bumping can proceed.
The burglar will insert the new key within the lock, and then tapped several times with a mallet or small hammer.
At the same time, the burglar has to slightly turn the key continuously.
If the burglar is especially skilled, it can be initiated this way even with the force of a tapping finger.
Since it requires less burglary skills than lock picking or other burglary skills, it is a rewarding occupation for people who are inclined to break into houses and offices.
Lock bumping has so many advantages, it is a wonder a lot of burglars don't use it more often.
It is the easiest and most effective way to break into a locked room, yet needs no skills or costly specialized tools to be done right.
If you want to avoid lock bumpers from being able to invade your property through lock bumping, then invest in electronic locks rather than the conventional locks that easily become victim locks.
Electronic locks have been able to reduce incidences of lock bumping because no electronic key exists to manipulate.
The biometric types of electronic locks have been criticized for fatal flaws that endanger your security system.
Because the heart of biometric electronic locks rests in the computer chips used so they can function, anyone who wants to compromise your security only needs to reprogram the computer chip so that it will do as the intruder likes.
If you want the chip to be totally disabled, then just run a heavy magnetic field over them and they will break down easily.
This is why, in some cases, a conventional lock may seem the ideal lock to use anyway, even if lock bumpers still exist in this world.

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