Feast Your Fat Away
What is feast your fat away?
Feast your fat away is a weight loss program by Nate Miyaki who is a Certified Specialist in Performance Nutrition, Certified Specialist in Fitness Nutrition) AND natural bodybuilding champion, 15 years' experience as a nutrition adviser and personal trainer).Have been featured or published in major fitness magazines such as Men's Health, Shape, Men's Fitness, Muscle & Fitness, T-Nation, and LIVESTRONG, which are read by millions of people across the world.
How effective is feast your fat away?
Based on client and reader feedback and results, the fact that he is always been invited back wherever he have been, and have been asked to join the advisory board of some of the
magazines and companies, it's fair to say that he is not bad at what he does.
What is feast your fat away
So here's what he has done. Nate Miyaki pulled the best principles from The Paleo Diet, Natural Bodybuilding & Fitness Nutrition, Sports Nutrition, and Intermittent Fasting protocols, cut the rest, and formulated an informed, hybrid plan based on science, studies, and human physiology and geared towards improving health, slashing fat, and keeping it off indefinitely.
What does that mean for you?
No more second guessing, jumping from plan to plan, program to program, and constantly seeking answers and solutions. Feast Your Fat Away is the only fat loss and body maintenance plan you'll ever need, forever!
Answers from Nate Miyaki to the most
frequently-asked questions about Feast Your Fat Away€¦
1. I've just been let down by so many other books and products in the past. Why should I believe yours is any different?
I'd love to tell you that creating this approach was purely out of the goodness of my heart, for the benefit of the world, or even just to make a buck. The first would be noble. The second would at least be understandable for anyone who knows what it's like to try and make a living from something they love doing.
But I'd be lying. A lot of the motivation to get it right came from my own personal obsession and selfish goals. Vain and ridiculous? Yes.
To be honest, that's the best type of teacher to learn from: the one who has something personally at stake in the matter, and is fighting right alongside you to achieve similar goals. This world is full of too many people who talk one way, but live another.
If you fail on this plan, that means I'm going to fail as well, because I'm using the exact same strategies with my family, my clients, and myself. But that's not going to happen, because I truly believe Feast Your Fat Away is the easiest, most effective way to lose fat and keep it off forever.
2. But I'm a beginner, sedentary, and have a lot of weight to lose. Can Feast Your Fat Away work for me?
Yes, it can. I've seen it myself with dozens of clients who didn't exercise and were very heavy.
Here is something most trainers (including myself) hate hearing, but it is the absolute truth - most people could reach a natural, healthy bodyweight and have good biomarkers of health with a good diet plan alone. No formal exercise necessary.
Using diet as your first wave of attack against body fat is a much faster, more effective, and more efficient strategy than trying to out-exercise a poor diet. In fact, doing some boot camp or other €kick your ass€ fat burning workout€"where you are completely miserable or end up getting hurt€"can make you give up entirely.
If you retain only one piece of information from my experiences, I hope it's this: your nutritional habits will have a far greater impact on your body composition and physique goals, and overall health, than any other fitness component.
If you can only do one thing right now, why not start with the most important thing first?
I've been in the fitness industry for 15 years now, have personally trained hundreds of people, and have advised thousands more. I've worked with pro athletes, natural bodybuilders, bikini girls, fitness models, busy professionals, entrepreneurs, lawyers, doctors, moms, strippers, and crazy people alike.
There has been only one universal theme.
The clients who used diet as their primary weapon to improve their body composition and overall health profile were the ones who obtained the best results. They won, swiftly and quickly.
Conversely, the clients who tried to use exercise to offset a poor diet, or who thought they could eat whatever they wanted because they were exercising, obtained mediocre results at best. They tried to out-train a poor diet. And they are still fighting a battle they will never win.
In fact, for some of the busy professionals I've worked with as a consultant to corporate health and wellness programs, diet was ALL they used to make dramatic changes.
In other words, behind every great body composition transformation, there is a good diet plan. This efficient approach is exactly what we've set up for you in Feast Your Fat Away. If you start making progress and decide to step up your activity levels, great! I'll show you how to modify your diet accordingly so you maximize your fat-burning and muscle-building results.
3. But I'm already active and want to get ripped, look great in a bikini or board shorts, etc. Should I try a different plan?
No. Feast Your Fat Away is not a single €one-size-fits-all€ plan. It's multiple, targeted plans based on a variety of activity levels and goals, along with other factors. That's the main problem in the fitness industry: writers, coaches, and trainers proclaiming there is one universal diet that works for everyone, everywhere.
As a result, you have sedentary folks following plans better suited for athletes (and getting fat and insulin resistant)€¦athletes following plans better suited for sedentary people (and losing muscle, becoming €skinny-fat€ despite consistent training, or even creating long-term metabolic and hormonal damage), and everyone across the board confused as hell.
Feast Your Fat Away puts an end to this madness and gets you on the right plan based on your unique situation€"complete with targeted diet templates, grocery shopping lists, sample menus, and more. You'll not only get that ideal beach physique, you'll eat better and feel great!
4. €Eat big at night and lose fat.€ This sounds like a fad diet. Is it a fad?
I know the core principle of this plan goes against everything you've been hearing for years. But guess what?
If everything you normally hear in the fitness industry actually worked, there'd be a lot more people walking around in shape. And those ten other diets you tried in the past would have actually worked.
But have no fear. Feast Your Fat Away not only works because it is so much more convenient, practical, and sustainable€¦or because of psychological advantages and social reasons€¦
€¦It works because of physiological reasons based on scientific principles and research. Every core strategy in this program is backed by science. I've even included dozens of references and studies for you at the end of the book so you can verify them if you want. Like this one:
Sofer et al. 2011. Greater weight loss and hormonal changes after 6 months diet with carbohydrates eaten mostly at dinner. Obesity (Silver Spring) Oct;19(10):2006-14
This study was designed to investigate the effect of a low-calorie diet with carbohydrates eaten mostly at dinner on anthropometric, hunger/satiety, biochemical, and inflammatory parameters€¦ Greater weight loss, abdominal circumference, and body fat mass reductions were observed in the experimental diet in comparison to controls€¦ A simple dietary manipulation of carbohydrate distribution appears to have additional benefits when compared to a conventional weight loss diet in individuals suffering from obesity. It might also be beneficial for individuals suffering from insulin resistance and the metabolic syndrome. Further research is required to confirm and clarify the mechanisms
Feast your fat away is a weight loss program by Nate Miyaki who is a Certified Specialist in Performance Nutrition, Certified Specialist in Fitness Nutrition) AND natural bodybuilding champion, 15 years' experience as a nutrition adviser and personal trainer).Have been featured or published in major fitness magazines such as Men's Health, Shape, Men's Fitness, Muscle & Fitness, T-Nation, and LIVESTRONG, which are read by millions of people across the world.
How effective is feast your fat away?
Based on client and reader feedback and results, the fact that he is always been invited back wherever he have been, and have been asked to join the advisory board of some of the
magazines and companies, it's fair to say that he is not bad at what he does.
What is feast your fat away
So here's what he has done. Nate Miyaki pulled the best principles from The Paleo Diet, Natural Bodybuilding & Fitness Nutrition, Sports Nutrition, and Intermittent Fasting protocols, cut the rest, and formulated an informed, hybrid plan based on science, studies, and human physiology and geared towards improving health, slashing fat, and keeping it off indefinitely.
What does that mean for you?
No more second guessing, jumping from plan to plan, program to program, and constantly seeking answers and solutions. Feast Your Fat Away is the only fat loss and body maintenance plan you'll ever need, forever!
Answers from Nate Miyaki to the most
frequently-asked questions about Feast Your Fat Away€¦
1. I've just been let down by so many other books and products in the past. Why should I believe yours is any different?
I'd love to tell you that creating this approach was purely out of the goodness of my heart, for the benefit of the world, or even just to make a buck. The first would be noble. The second would at least be understandable for anyone who knows what it's like to try and make a living from something they love doing.
But I'd be lying. A lot of the motivation to get it right came from my own personal obsession and selfish goals. Vain and ridiculous? Yes.
To be honest, that's the best type of teacher to learn from: the one who has something personally at stake in the matter, and is fighting right alongside you to achieve similar goals. This world is full of too many people who talk one way, but live another.
If you fail on this plan, that means I'm going to fail as well, because I'm using the exact same strategies with my family, my clients, and myself. But that's not going to happen, because I truly believe Feast Your Fat Away is the easiest, most effective way to lose fat and keep it off forever.
2. But I'm a beginner, sedentary, and have a lot of weight to lose. Can Feast Your Fat Away work for me?
Yes, it can. I've seen it myself with dozens of clients who didn't exercise and were very heavy.
Here is something most trainers (including myself) hate hearing, but it is the absolute truth - most people could reach a natural, healthy bodyweight and have good biomarkers of health with a good diet plan alone. No formal exercise necessary.
Using diet as your first wave of attack against body fat is a much faster, more effective, and more efficient strategy than trying to out-exercise a poor diet. In fact, doing some boot camp or other €kick your ass€ fat burning workout€"where you are completely miserable or end up getting hurt€"can make you give up entirely.
If you retain only one piece of information from my experiences, I hope it's this: your nutritional habits will have a far greater impact on your body composition and physique goals, and overall health, than any other fitness component.
If you can only do one thing right now, why not start with the most important thing first?
I've been in the fitness industry for 15 years now, have personally trained hundreds of people, and have advised thousands more. I've worked with pro athletes, natural bodybuilders, bikini girls, fitness models, busy professionals, entrepreneurs, lawyers, doctors, moms, strippers, and crazy people alike.
There has been only one universal theme.
The clients who used diet as their primary weapon to improve their body composition and overall health profile were the ones who obtained the best results. They won, swiftly and quickly.
Conversely, the clients who tried to use exercise to offset a poor diet, or who thought they could eat whatever they wanted because they were exercising, obtained mediocre results at best. They tried to out-train a poor diet. And they are still fighting a battle they will never win.
In fact, for some of the busy professionals I've worked with as a consultant to corporate health and wellness programs, diet was ALL they used to make dramatic changes.
In other words, behind every great body composition transformation, there is a good diet plan. This efficient approach is exactly what we've set up for you in Feast Your Fat Away. If you start making progress and decide to step up your activity levels, great! I'll show you how to modify your diet accordingly so you maximize your fat-burning and muscle-building results.
3. But I'm already active and want to get ripped, look great in a bikini or board shorts, etc. Should I try a different plan?
No. Feast Your Fat Away is not a single €one-size-fits-all€ plan. It's multiple, targeted plans based on a variety of activity levels and goals, along with other factors. That's the main problem in the fitness industry: writers, coaches, and trainers proclaiming there is one universal diet that works for everyone, everywhere.
As a result, you have sedentary folks following plans better suited for athletes (and getting fat and insulin resistant)€¦athletes following plans better suited for sedentary people (and losing muscle, becoming €skinny-fat€ despite consistent training, or even creating long-term metabolic and hormonal damage), and everyone across the board confused as hell.
Feast Your Fat Away puts an end to this madness and gets you on the right plan based on your unique situation€"complete with targeted diet templates, grocery shopping lists, sample menus, and more. You'll not only get that ideal beach physique, you'll eat better and feel great!
4. €Eat big at night and lose fat.€ This sounds like a fad diet. Is it a fad?
I know the core principle of this plan goes against everything you've been hearing for years. But guess what?
If everything you normally hear in the fitness industry actually worked, there'd be a lot more people walking around in shape. And those ten other diets you tried in the past would have actually worked.
But have no fear. Feast Your Fat Away not only works because it is so much more convenient, practical, and sustainable€¦or because of psychological advantages and social reasons€¦
€¦It works because of physiological reasons based on scientific principles and research. Every core strategy in this program is backed by science. I've even included dozens of references and studies for you at the end of the book so you can verify them if you want. Like this one:
Sofer et al. 2011. Greater weight loss and hormonal changes after 6 months diet with carbohydrates eaten mostly at dinner. Obesity (Silver Spring) Oct;19(10):2006-14
This study was designed to investigate the effect of a low-calorie diet with carbohydrates eaten mostly at dinner on anthropometric, hunger/satiety, biochemical, and inflammatory parameters€¦ Greater weight loss, abdominal circumference, and body fat mass reductions were observed in the experimental diet in comparison to controls€¦ A simple dietary manipulation of carbohydrate distribution appears to have additional benefits when compared to a conventional weight loss diet in individuals suffering from obesity. It might also be beneficial for individuals suffering from insulin resistance and the metabolic syndrome. Further research is required to confirm and clarify the mechanisms