Five Reasons Why an Electric RC Helicopter is More Popular Than a Gas Powered RC Helicopter?
Electric RC Helicopters grab the attention of many children, but many adults are also turning their heads as these RC's become more affordable for everyone.
These helis stand out in the RC hobby world as the most captive of all RC's.
Many people have enjoyed piloting one and learning from them.
However these RC's weren't always that easy to come by as they had a very heavy price tag and required you to assemble the entire heli piece by piece.
Not to mention you also had to upkeep maintenance and buy fuel for them.
After You were done with your project you had to check, test, adjust, test again, and if you didn't know how to fly, learned to.
It took a great amount of time to practice and be patient with just to get it right.
However things have changed since then.
It has become more convenient to own one as the electronic and mechanical components of these helis got smaller and more powerful.
Here are few reasons why these toys have become so favorable by many: 1.
Cost: The cost of owning one has gone down since then.
Flying a RC Helicopter would have cost you thousands of dollars just to fly one.
And as time passed the efficiency in the component's of these RC,s took place making it easier to afford one.
As the prices went down productivity went up making it allot easier for the average family to own one.
You don't have to worry about fuel as an electric RC helicopter only needs to be recharged therefore eliminating the need for costly fuel.
And you don't have to worry about about putting it all together as most of them are RTF (ready to fly).
Electric RC helicopters can cost any-were from $15 and up depending on what type, model and how advanced you want it.
Efficiency: A RC helicopter that's powered by gas can be extremely noisy and very distracting and bothersome to others.
But since electric RC helicopters were introduced the noise no longer became an issue.
The advanced mechanical and electronic components in the RC's make them allot more quiet and effective flyer's.
As a result many electric RC helicopters are capable of flying indoors.
Easy to fly: A gas powered heli took allot of time out of your hands in order to learn how to fly one although in the end it's still worth the experience.
However an electric one can be allot easier to handle than a gas powered one.
With a gas one you have to learn to fly it with 6 to 7 channels as opposed to starting with a 2 or 3 channel electric one.
one great thing about having a electric RC is that you can always upgrade your heli with more channels and more accessories as you go along and get better at flying.
From all the RC,s the easiest one to fly is the coaxial heli as these are engineered for beginners and intermediate users alike.
Maintenance: This use to be a turn off to many as most folks wouldn't have the time to upkeep the heli.
And to make matters worse they required constant dabbling just to run them smoothly or else you would run the risk of your helis engine freezing up in mid air and that would not be a pretty picture.
An electric RC,s require allot less maintenance and are designed to be less troublesome.
Some fixes would require you to just use your hand or a small screwdriver and of you go.
They are also more reliable because they rarely need repairs and can survive most low impact crashes without a problem.
Size: Gas powered RC helis were not small as a matter of fact you couldn't even fly them in your own back yard.
As these helis got smaller a more efficient, there sizes decreased making it easier to fly one indoors.
There are helis that fit in the palm of your hand and can be flown just about an where although you might want to be cautious of any wind with these small ones.
As new technologies continue to rapidly emerge these helis continue to improve, there is no telling how far these helis will go but one thing is for sure these electric RC helicopters will continue be the most captivating RC hobby of all time.
It's not hard to see why everyone enjoys flying one, so get out there and become a RC pilot.
These helis stand out in the RC hobby world as the most captive of all RC's.
Many people have enjoyed piloting one and learning from them.
However these RC's weren't always that easy to come by as they had a very heavy price tag and required you to assemble the entire heli piece by piece.
Not to mention you also had to upkeep maintenance and buy fuel for them.
After You were done with your project you had to check, test, adjust, test again, and if you didn't know how to fly, learned to.
It took a great amount of time to practice and be patient with just to get it right.
However things have changed since then.
It has become more convenient to own one as the electronic and mechanical components of these helis got smaller and more powerful.
Here are few reasons why these toys have become so favorable by many: 1.
Cost: The cost of owning one has gone down since then.
Flying a RC Helicopter would have cost you thousands of dollars just to fly one.
And as time passed the efficiency in the component's of these RC,s took place making it easier to afford one.
As the prices went down productivity went up making it allot easier for the average family to own one.
You don't have to worry about fuel as an electric RC helicopter only needs to be recharged therefore eliminating the need for costly fuel.
And you don't have to worry about about putting it all together as most of them are RTF (ready to fly).
Electric RC helicopters can cost any-were from $15 and up depending on what type, model and how advanced you want it.
Efficiency: A RC helicopter that's powered by gas can be extremely noisy and very distracting and bothersome to others.
But since electric RC helicopters were introduced the noise no longer became an issue.
The advanced mechanical and electronic components in the RC's make them allot more quiet and effective flyer's.
As a result many electric RC helicopters are capable of flying indoors.
Easy to fly: A gas powered heli took allot of time out of your hands in order to learn how to fly one although in the end it's still worth the experience.
However an electric one can be allot easier to handle than a gas powered one.
With a gas one you have to learn to fly it with 6 to 7 channels as opposed to starting with a 2 or 3 channel electric one.
one great thing about having a electric RC is that you can always upgrade your heli with more channels and more accessories as you go along and get better at flying.
From all the RC,s the easiest one to fly is the coaxial heli as these are engineered for beginners and intermediate users alike.
Maintenance: This use to be a turn off to many as most folks wouldn't have the time to upkeep the heli.
And to make matters worse they required constant dabbling just to run them smoothly or else you would run the risk of your helis engine freezing up in mid air and that would not be a pretty picture.
An electric RC,s require allot less maintenance and are designed to be less troublesome.
Some fixes would require you to just use your hand or a small screwdriver and of you go.
They are also more reliable because they rarely need repairs and can survive most low impact crashes without a problem.
Size: Gas powered RC helis were not small as a matter of fact you couldn't even fly them in your own back yard.
As these helis got smaller a more efficient, there sizes decreased making it easier to fly one indoors.
There are helis that fit in the palm of your hand and can be flown just about an where although you might want to be cautious of any wind with these small ones.
As new technologies continue to rapidly emerge these helis continue to improve, there is no telling how far these helis will go but one thing is for sure these electric RC helicopters will continue be the most captivating RC hobby of all time.
It's not hard to see why everyone enjoys flying one, so get out there and become a RC pilot.