Health & Medical Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery

Brazilian Butt Lift Butt Augmentation - Commonly Asked Questions

A Brazilian Butt Lift is a shape-modifying cosmetic procedure that enlarges the buttocks by transferring fat from less desirable places.
The procedure is especially popular with women who are looking for more curvaceous buttocks and sleek body profile.
If you are considering a Brazilian Butt Lift, it would be wise to do research on the procedure and the cosmetic surgeon you will be using.
Here are some frequently asked questions about the procedure and healing process: 1.
Where is the fat transferred from? Commonly fat is transferred from the abdomen, the thighs or the area above the buttocks.
If you are especially tiny and do not have sufficient body fat in the most common areas, there are options available.
It is best to speak to your surgeon about donor fat or other options for the procedure.
Will the procedure require touch-ups or more injections? The effects of a Brazilian Butt Lift are permanent and do not require more injections.
Most surgeons do require a follow up appointment to ensure that the procedure has produced the desired results.
This is mostly a precaution and additional procedures are very rare.
How long will my recovery time be? Recovery time will vary, but usually three to five days is enough time to allow until returning to work.
There will typically be draining from the sites of incision for two or three days.
Discomfort will remain, primarily in the fat harvesting areas for the first few days of recovery.
When can I sit down? You can sit down the first day, but it's not a good idea to remain in one position for prolonged periods of time.
Some physicians recommend staying off the buttocks and sleeping in a comfortable position for the first two weeks.
When will I feel back to normal? You will usually feel back to normal in two weeks.
How is anesthesia used during the procedure? It depends on the number of areas being harvested for fat, if multiple areas are being used, a local anesthesia with oral sedation may not be sufficient.
In cases like this, it is recommended to use a general anesthesia to relieve patient discomfort.
What treatments or medications will I need after the procedure? You may experience discomfort, so you will be prescribed medication to relieve any pain or muscle spasms.
Other medication could include antibiotics if a general anesthesia was used during the procedure.
Applying ice packs for the first 48 is recommended, as well as immediate ambulating (walking around).
How will stretching affect my recovery? You may be able to decrease your recuperation time by stretching properly.
Stretching will loosen muscles, help prevent muscle spasms, and accelerate recovery from discomfort.
When is it OK for me to return to physical activities? It's OK to resume physical activities as soon as you are able, however it is important to be aware of your comfort level.
If you are able to function without significant pain, you are probably OK to resume activity.

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