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What Are The Main Reasons For Bad Breath

Halitosis, or bad breath, has many causes. However, its effects are the same the world over. The best way to prevent halitosis, however, is to understand it. Different types of bad breath are cured in different ways. If you are using the wrong approach, you may not understand why the steps you are taking are not working.

Main Reasons For Bad Breath
Here are some of the most common reasons for bad breath, and what you can do about them.

1. Tongue
The most common place for breath odor to occur is on the tongue. Large amounts of natural bacteria can be found on the back of the tongue, and may not be disturbed over the course of the day. Since this part of the tongue is not frequently cleaned, these bacteria can thrive and emit unpleasant odors. Most of these odors are caused by proteins breaking down into bad smelling gases. This is why your breath may smell more after eating certain foods.

Fortunately, bad breath located at the back of the tongue is relatively easily treated. Just clean your tongue gently with a scraper or other implement designed for the purpose a few times per day. Be sure not to apply too much pressure and damage the tongue, and do not use a toothbrush. Brushing the back of the tongue can cause inadvertent gagging, which can be very unpleasant. Mouthwashes, gargled once or twice a day, can also reduce smell emanating from the back of the tongue.

2. Dental Works
Other areas of the mouth can also provide reasons for bad breath. If you have dental work that has caused food to become trapped in your teeth, have an abscess, niches in your gum that can harbor bacteria, or do not clean your dentures properly, you may discover bad smells emanating from your mouth.

The solutions for these problems vary depending on what's wrong. Bad dental work has to be corrected by a professional. Abscesses are dangerous to health, and should be treated immediately. Problems like trapped food and dirty dentures can be treated by more thorough cleaning.

3. Gum Diseases
Some people who have gum disease may also find that their breath is particularly bad. Bacteria growing below the gum line can produce a foul smell. However, this does not happen in everyone.

4. Nose
Oddly, another place that causes bad breath is the nose. Sometimes, the breath from the nose can smell, but breath from the mouth will not. In these cases, the problem is likely caused by a sinus infection, which should be treated appropriately.

5. Tonsils
Another of the reasons for bad breath is the tonsils. Very few people actually have this problem, but if you do, it is a serious one. Around five percent of people with very bad smelling breath suffer from putrefaction of the tonsils. This should be seen to by a doctor as soon as possible.

As you can see, there are many reasons for your bad breath. You will need to identify the cause before you can do something about them.

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