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How to Get in Shape For the Police Physical Exam

If you want to get in shape for the police physical exam you need to know what they're looking for and focus on that.
Although I advise you to work on all of your muscle groups, you need to focus on passing the physical exam.
Worry about the other stuff later, or just make it a 2nd priority.
The first thing you need to do is figure out what the requirements are for the exam in the department you wish to join.
For instance, the New Jersey state police exam covers 4 tests: push-ups, sit-ups, 75 yard dash, 1.
5 mile run.
This means that you don't need to build on your squatting or back rows ability.
Do you see what I mean? Prepare for the exam itself, don't just workout randomly.
I'll use these tests as a reference in this article.
For the push-ups test and the sit-ups test I recommend following a 3 set training session twice a day.
That's 3 in the morning and 3 in the evening.
You don't have to go to the max repetitions on each set, but once every 3 days, do a session in which you do 1 max set of both of these and see how far you go.
This will give you a clear picture of where you stand and also help you to improve at a fast pace.
As for the 75 yard dash, you just need to do some and you can surely fit in 3 dashes a day at the very minimum.
You don't need to break the Olympic record to pass, but you do need to be able to give it all you got for 15-20 seconds until you finish the 75 yards.
The last thing you need to do in order to get in shape for the police physical exam is to prepare for the 1.
5 mile run.
I suggest timing yourself each time you do so and to run this distance once a day at your convenience.
It may take some time to get down to a passing time, but don't despair as the improvement can be rapid.
Finally, once a week do the entire 4 tests in succession with the 1.
5 mile run at the end.
This will simulate the real police physical exam and prepare you for it in the optimal way.

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