Health & Medical Allergies & Asthma

Dust Mite Allergies - Easy Tips For Relief

Allergy is a word which most individuals do not want to hear.
The worst thing someone can hear from their Doctor is "It looks like you have developed an Allergy".
Well, when I first heard it from my Doctor, I was not thrilled at all.
He basically told me that I had developed an allergy to Dust Mites because of the test results.
You could imagine the look on my face when I said "Dust Mites, what is a it? The first thing everyone does is go to Wikipedia: Their definition is: The house dust mite, is a cosmopolitan guest in human habitation.
Dust mites feed on organic detritus such as flakes of shed human skin and flourish in the stable environment of dwellings.
House dust mites are a common cause of asthma and allergic symptoms worldwide.
Some of the gut enzymes (notably proteases) produced by the house mite persist in their fecal matter, and can be strongly allergenic.
In the beginning, I was not sure what to do, but the Doctor gave me the following advice: 1.
Make your home free of allergens so you can start controlling the Dust Mite Allergy.
Control the amount of dust particles by cleaning your house with a HEPA rated Vacuum Cleaner like the Miele.
Install a MERV rated filter in your A/C of MERV 8 or better and change the filter on a monthly basis.
Install non-allergenic covers on you mattress and pillows.
Remove the carpet and install tile.
I thought to myself, what a lifestyle changing experience this is and I was not even going to enjoy it.
Well, I did do what the Doctor said and my allergy to these creatures did get better to a manageable level.
I am fine at home, but when visiting friends with carpet, it can be a real experience.
The funny thing is, one of my friends even removed her carpet and her allergies got better immediately.
She even thanked me for making her aware because her sinus problems got better.
She didn't even need to take her prescription any longer.
I was happy for her because she had a little boy who suffered from allergies also.
The initial experience of my visit to the Doctor has lead to at least 10 people I know who have removed their carpet and no longer have have their allergies.
So, I guess my allergy lead to helping at least 10 others to improve their lives.
It is strange how the domino effect works in our lives.
I would have never realized the extent of the changes that have happened in my life since that first Doctor visit.
Guess we are all really connected in someway.
In conclusion, these allergenic creatures can affect a lot of individuals.
Removing carpet seems to lead to very good control of Dust Mite populations in your home.
As always, follow your Doctors advice regarding allergies to these allergenic creatures.
Using a high quality HEPA rated Vacuum Cleaner like the Miele helps control the dust and Dust Mites in your home.
If you have any questions, feel free to call us or visit our website.

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