Is Your Boyfriend Out Of Shape?
If you're asking the question, then chances are you already know the answer, so the real question is "What are you going to do about it?" Does it matter to you? If you're noticing, then more than likely it matters and so you need to find some way of changing him back to the lean mean dating machine you were attracted to!
Although it's women who are stereotypically portrayed as being ultra-sensitive about their appearance, don't underestimate the male ego. Most men are as sensitive about people making negative remarks about their appearance as women are, they just hide it better!
If you want to hurt your guy's feelings, go right ahead and tell him straight up that he's looking a bit chubby and needs to lose weight! Chances are he's going to lose weight alright--weight that's the equivalent of what you weigh as he'll cut you out of his life rather than his beer and potato chips!
Instead of opening a discussion about him carrying around some excess pounds, consider a different route. Healthy lifestyle is a huge topic in magazines and newspapers. Find an article that gives suggestions for healthy living that you can buy into, and then sell him on the idea. Approach from an angle of "we should have a healthier lifestyle" rather than "you need to lose weight".
For most people, if they switch from their current eating habits and non-existent fitness regime, to a healthy eating program and some level of exercise, they will lose weight. As they lose weight, they'll gain more energy and so they can put more effort into doing things that will keep the weight falling off. All you need is to convert him to the first initial stages!
Even if your boyfriend is as enthusiastic about this healthy lifestyle that you are promoting for the two of you, don't make drastic changes--especially if he's someone who thinks walking half a block to the grocery store is exercise, and even that should be rewarded with a candy bar!
Introduce the changes gradually. A few food changes, no fried food, diet drinks or ice cold mineral water, low fat milk, smoothies (fresh fruit and low fat milk variety) and you're off to a good start. Find some physical activities that you are both interested in taking part in. Think about what you'd like to do first, and then get him hooked on the idea.
Be prepared to start the new lifestyle changes as soon as you get him to emotionally sign up! If he has a cooling off period, he'll back out. So have the reservation forms for your chosen activities, and a shopping list of initial dietary changes at the ready for when you decide to have this 'revelation' about you both pursuing a healthier lifestyle.
If you can't get him interested, and he's happy to be the way that he is, you have to make a decision. Can you love him as he is? Or do you need to move on, and find someone who isn't carrying so many excess pounds around? That is a decision only you can make.
Although it's women who are stereotypically portrayed as being ultra-sensitive about their appearance, don't underestimate the male ego. Most men are as sensitive about people making negative remarks about their appearance as women are, they just hide it better!
If you want to hurt your guy's feelings, go right ahead and tell him straight up that he's looking a bit chubby and needs to lose weight! Chances are he's going to lose weight alright--weight that's the equivalent of what you weigh as he'll cut you out of his life rather than his beer and potato chips!
Instead of opening a discussion about him carrying around some excess pounds, consider a different route. Healthy lifestyle is a huge topic in magazines and newspapers. Find an article that gives suggestions for healthy living that you can buy into, and then sell him on the idea. Approach from an angle of "we should have a healthier lifestyle" rather than "you need to lose weight".
For most people, if they switch from their current eating habits and non-existent fitness regime, to a healthy eating program and some level of exercise, they will lose weight. As they lose weight, they'll gain more energy and so they can put more effort into doing things that will keep the weight falling off. All you need is to convert him to the first initial stages!
Even if your boyfriend is as enthusiastic about this healthy lifestyle that you are promoting for the two of you, don't make drastic changes--especially if he's someone who thinks walking half a block to the grocery store is exercise, and even that should be rewarded with a candy bar!
Introduce the changes gradually. A few food changes, no fried food, diet drinks or ice cold mineral water, low fat milk, smoothies (fresh fruit and low fat milk variety) and you're off to a good start. Find some physical activities that you are both interested in taking part in. Think about what you'd like to do first, and then get him hooked on the idea.
Be prepared to start the new lifestyle changes as soon as you get him to emotionally sign up! If he has a cooling off period, he'll back out. So have the reservation forms for your chosen activities, and a shopping list of initial dietary changes at the ready for when you decide to have this 'revelation' about you both pursuing a healthier lifestyle.
If you can't get him interested, and he's happy to be the way that he is, you have to make a decision. Can you love him as he is? Or do you need to move on, and find someone who isn't carrying so many excess pounds around? That is a decision only you can make.