Business & Finance Blogging

Making Money With Internet Blogs

    • 1). Place affiliate advertisements on your blog. Place specific advertisements in a sidebar of your blog that offer assorted items for sale. When blog readers click on the advertisement, they go to a website that sells the item. When they purchase the item through your advertisement on your blog, you get an affiliate commission. Another method of selling items through affiliate advertising is to place affiliate links within blog posts. When readers click these links, they go to a website that sells the items and you receive a commission with every sale. Two popular affiliate programs are Amazon and Clickbank.

    • 2). Rent out sidebar space to advertisers. If you have a popular blog with solid readership and a good search--engine ranking, often advertisers will purchase space on your blog to promote their products or services. Place advertisements advertising spaces in your sidebar and advertisers may approach you to "rent" out your blog space for a fee. Set your price according to the popularity of your blog. Research what blogs similar to yours charge for similar ad space. The advertisers generally supply you with the code to install an ad into your sidebar.

    • 3). Place content ads onto your blog. Content advertising scans the content you place on your blog and creates advertisements that correlate with your content that may appeal to your readership. When your readers click on these content ads, you receive a commission paid by the ad program. Two popular ad programs are Google AdSense and BlogAds. Both of these programs provide you with the code to install into your blog to create the advertisements.

    • 4). Write paid endorsements for products and services. Many paid blogging companies exist that provide bloggers with assignments for paid endorsements. When you write blog posts that contain links for advertisers and endorsements for products, the paid blogging company will pay you for placing this content onto your blog. Two popular paid blogging companies are Payu2Blog and Blogsvertise.

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