Health & Medical Hair Health,Hair Loss

Hair Transplants For a Full Head of Hair

The hair transplant or hair transplantation has become in the last 5 years and more popular. The techniques are constantly improved, so that the patient must bring a less severe ordeal behind him.

The most recent and well, for example, the Strip and the FUE method. Who among bald patches, or the so-called "receding hairline" is suffering, is often ridiculed or laughed at. There are wigs and toupees, but who has been happy with, for example 18 years a toupee?

Most young people are trying different hair growth agents or other drugs. Meanwhile, there are good medicines to stop hair loss or may even fight completely. Noteworthy are here Minoxidil and Finasteride, which act differently.

Support certain hormones that prevent that DHT is distributed. Minoxidil cause the blood flow in the bare spots will be excited and can therefore grow new hair.

Both women suffer from hair loss, as well as men. This may have various reasons for hair loss. Firstly, there is such a circular hair loss, which then suggests that it suffers from too much stress, or is incorrectly fed.

The main reason lies mostly in the genes. The genetic structure of the hair follicle is inherited by each gene, so that offspring can also suffer from baldness.

At the present time there are always more good hair transplant techniques, such as the hair multiplication. Here, some stem cells are taken from the patient, which are multiplied (cloned) and then be reinstated.

These methods enumerated here are already helping very well and continue to evolve forever. Who such an intervention by itself is taken into account, should advance with a doctor about the risks, etc. inquire.

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